Arturo Prat
hello tommy
Messenger保护盾 dice:
* Winnie - CIIT* dice:
how are you?
luis alberto dice:
i am LuisGonzalez from Chile south America, and very interested in to buy a Dual SIM FWT.
* Winnie - CIIT* dice:
yes,I know, we talked about the by many emails
do you have any other questionabout this?
luis alberto dice:
Ooo Yes, tomorrow I will go to oficce of wester union for send to you the money (127 dolar) only for one unit for start because my partner said first test the unit.Also I read all the manual and have one question more.
* Winnie - CIIT* dice:
ok, good, please test the sample at first
may I know what's the question?
luis alberto dice:
Only a have thename a surname, is enough??? for send to you the money by western union, is my firts time.
* Winnie - CIIT* dice:
I am sorry for the internet problem
luis alberto dice:
The programmingcondition is the following: 1.- Only the unit has 2 SIM A and B, and set up only work with GSM A and B ¿What will it happen, if some people wants to call to PSTN network???
* Winnie - CIIT* dice:
anyprefix numbers beyond GSM A and GSM B will be sent by PSTN
I explained this in my last email
for example: if we set 740, 741, 745 to GSM A, and we set 750, 752, 758 to GSM B
when user dial740, 741, 745, it will be sent out through GSM A, if user dial 750, 752, 758, it will be sent out through GSM B
any other number will be sent out through PSTN
for example: we dial 742, 743, 744,755, 6xx, 5xx ....
they will be sent out through PSTN
do you understand?
if you set the device only work with GSM mode (GSM A and GSM B)
the PSTN calls will be sent out through GSM A
luisalberto dice:
Only I will use the unit without PSTN network. Is for that the question??
You are very clear, I understood everything.
* Winnie - CIIT* dice:
I hope we will have a...
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