
Páginas: 2 (357 palabras) Publicado: 9 de marzo de 2013
Exercises on Present Progressive

Form positive sentences in Present Progressive and Questions

1. they / us / call they are calling us Are they calling us?

2. you / cards /play _________________________________________

3. we / with a family / stay _________________________________________

4. the teacher / our English / test_________________________________________

5. we / in the mountains / walk _________________________________________

6. she / home / walk _________________________________________

7. she / the match / watch_________________________________________

8. he / to school / go _________________________________________

9. Betty / her best / do _________________________________________

10. I /bread / buy _________________________________________

11. you / a question / ask _________________________________________

12. Jenny / the door / lock_________________________________________

13. we / in the mountains / walk _________________________________________

14. they / their pens / count _________________________________________

15. Jeff and Linda / home/ cycle _________________________________________

16. my friend / at me / smile _________________________________________

17. I / with you / agree________________________________________

18. the children / on the floor / sleep _________________________________________

19. you / early / wake up _________________________________________

20. he / a blue shirt / wear_________________________________________

Form negative sentences

1. I / the question / answer I am not answering the question

2. she / me / ask_________________________________________

3. Mary / in a musical / dance _________________________________________

4. she / her bike / push _________________________________________

5. it / a lot / rain...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas