Automatizacion y desempleo

Páginas: 7 (1712 palabras) Publicado: 30 de enero de 2011
Automation and unemployment(La automatización y el desempleo)
Jesús Alejandro Gutiérrez Méndez
Josué Baruj Gordon
Group: 2


I will start my art work with a quote "There is no living wage in the United States to a pawn of pick and shovel and be low enough to compete with an excavator” Norbert Wiener. El Nuevo EstadoIndustrial. 2007.
Which means that this appointment is very little that we pay to people trained to do this work, in a capitalist country will never replace the great work that makes a machine and for the same cost or even less and can produce much more than the worker.
First I'll make a relationship between these two words. The automation is the variety of processes and systems that operate withlittle or no intervention of the man and as no human intervention, many jobs are lost and the unemployment comes.
A clear case can be seen in a factory where robots are introduced into the production process. Services workers are no longer needed because the robot is done now (faster, cheaper, do not ask for social insurance and more efficiently).
In my project, I am planning to take a seriesof photos on some processes that conduct the machines now and have managed to replace the man; also take photographs of processes that despite technology advances, man is the main part of this work and has not yet been replaced for various reasons. In contrast my photos perms to appreciate the dispute between the “AUTOMATION” and the “WORKMANSHIP (Mano de Obra)”
“Automation” | “Workmanship” |Optimization of production. | Employees keep their jobs. |
Minor long-term cost. | Major long-term cost. |
Growth of the company. | Stagnation of production. |
Loss of many jobs | No company will take this option. |
In my project I’ll search to express this through the photography.
I need to do photography because I need to capt (captar) the process where automation is used and in avideo it could be more clearly, but I want to make more difficult the message that I need to show. I need that my message being more indirect and in a video it could be very direct.
Graciela Iturbide Cinecittà Roma, Italia, 2007

I went to the museum called: “Museo archivo de la fotografía de la Ciudad de México” that is located inRepública de Guatemala 34, Centro Histórico.
This museum can be consulted by specialists and the general public, who have a chance to see through image development and changes experienced in Mexico City for nearly a century.
The exhibition that was at the museum was photographs taken by Gacriela Iturbide. I really like her photos, my favorite was “Cinecitta”, because when I saw this photo, I gavemyself an idea of what the subjectivity means an in my photos I will try to make a subjective photos, and explain this subjective photos in my project.
Most of the photos that Gacriela Iturbide takes are subjective, or so I think because I didn’t understand the most of them by the naked eye.
Watching the data sheets was another thing that helped me to attend the museum. I observe how the authorsstructure his data sheets of his photographs and also to see how the name given to the photo also is often subjective. I will going to do this in the name of my photos.
Also, when I saw photos about how was México 60 years ago, I gave myself an idea about one photo that I took about automation.


Jesús Gutiérrez“Is Coming” Cuautitlan Izcalli. Edo de Mèxico, November 15, 2009.
What this Photo means?
First, the name "Is coming" refers to automation.
The automation is coming, improving and advancing so fast that overshadow the human work, leaving the man resting at home without work...
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  • La automatizacion
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  • Automatizacion

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