Aversion Therapy

Páginas: 2 (481 palabras) Publicado: 13 de julio de 2011
Ricardo Muñoz Molina
Behavior therapy

An approach to psychotherapy based on learning theory which aims to treat psycho pathology through techniques designed to reinforce desiredand eliminate undesired behaviors.
Aversion therapy
A type of behavioral therapy in which the patient is exposed to a stimulus while simultaneously being subjected to some form of discomfort.This conditioning is intended to cause the patient to associate the stimulus with unpleasant sensations in order to stop the specific behavior.
Patients undergoing aversion therapy are made to think of theundesirable experience that they enjoy, for example, a violent person might be shown images of violent crime, or an alcoholic might be made to drink, while drugs or electric shocks are administered. Intheory, the patient will, over time, come to associate their addiction with the negativity of electric shocks or seizures.
Uses of aversión therapy

This type of therapy has been employed for thetreatment of the following undesired behaviors:
* Undesired habits such as nail biting
* Smoking
* Alcoholism
* Gambling
* Violence
* Homosexuality: It has been usedhistorically for this purpose, but this kind of use has had a lot of controversy due to ethical and professional issues.

Success of aversion therapy

Aversion therapy's long-term success in treatingpatients is questionable; patients may appear to be treated by therapy, but once out of the view of doctors, where the deterrent drugs or electric shocks are removed, they may feel able to return to theiraddictions or undesirable behavior.
Criticisms of aversion therapy

Aversion therapy has endured much criticism in previous decades in its use in abusing patients. At a time when homosexuality wasconsidered by some to be a mental illness, gay people were made to undergo aversion therapy for their lifestyles. A number of fatalities have also occurred during aversion therapy.
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