Basura en el oceano pacifico

Páginas: 2 (425 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2010
Some causes of why people are becoming successful Adults

A successful person always attracts attention from around the world. Sometimes successful people become an ideal for others. Here aresome of the principal causes why people become successful in life. A good education is one of the most important causes, another one is by genes that people heredity from their family, and the lastone but also important in luck.
Some people are very successful in life. That is not only because of hard work but also dedication in their student life. Study hard and obtain much knowledge isvery important for success. For example if you are successful in your endeavors to gain a good education you will likely be successful in your career as well. Consequently those people achieve goalsand finish their careers with honours and awards.
Some people are born with this special gift that is kind of heredity or genes that they have in their personality. Therefore these kinds of peoplehave more chance or facility to develop their intelligence. For example, a child whose father was a successful person like business person or a politician could be born with the same abilities as hisfather had. This heredity is a good cause for to have a success in life.
Some people are very successful in their lives simply because they have good luck. Luck is not only a good reason to havesuccess but it is also a good cause for to achieve it. Many people have opportunities in their life but others not. For example, some people have the opportunity of study English in another country.This is a wonderful opportunity to have good English and also to build a good future in your life. Some people had the good fortune of being born into a privileged family, as one family rich. Thesepeople can earn much many doing good business. For example in you live in a good country like Canada you can earn much more many in your business as compared to those who life in poor countries....
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