Before The Law-Franz Kafka

Páginas: 3 (667 palabras) Publicado: 27 de septiembre de 2011
Before the Law
Franz Kafka

"Before the Law" is a parable in the novel The Trial (German Der Prozeß), by Franz Kafka (…). Like always, Franz Kafka is showing that he is not partof the society and that he is different than the rest. This fable criticizes the law system of the world, although he wrote this approximately a century ago. “Before the Law” censures the lack ofequality in front of the law, the power of the own conscience and the decisions that people make in life.

In the history of the world, we have always had injustices. In this century, this has notchanged, and everyday the situation is getting worse. The thieves are not punished, the violators are not imprisoned, and the swindlers are not behind bars. But if an innocent person has an accident, thepolice is the first one to put him or her in jail. The lack of authority and the corruption make people get used to this. In our reality only the people that have enough money to pay a judge have theright to a trail, and if a person is innocent and he/she does not have enough money? I believe that Kafka wanted to explain that everyone is ruled by a law however every person is different and eachone follows different ways; that is why the law is not the same for all of us. I agree with him still I do not think this is the most appropriate way to live. Everybody should be ruled by the samelaw, in every situation, with some exceptions in extreme cases. The problem is that people are not honest and there is when the equality disappears, but who are we to judge the others?

The power ofeverybody’s mind is amazing and the conscience is an important part of it. “Conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moralvalues, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms” (…). The man from the country had a big conscience, and this conscience was known as the...
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