Being young today

Páginas: 2 (381 palabras) Publicado: 17 de marzo de 2010
Nowadays youth has become much more noticeable . Itspower and influence is much greater than before. Young people form an outstanding part within the society, they enforce upon the community their varied forms of speaking, styles, tastes, hobbies,different likings, etc. Youth displays a mockery and an offense to the society, not to mention to those of the past generations.
“Satisfied with life, but indifferent to the religious dimensions;integral and tolerant upon those who are different, although slack to implicate themselves in the defense for good causes; free in the moment of making choices, although strongly tied down to their family,school and weekend routines: these are some of the characteristics of young people today”. Visions like these are the ones that describe current youth. With this we see how in the majority ofcountries and in great part of the adult population the perspective among young people in these days is negative and pessimist.
This is, without doubt, nothing more than a complex conflict of values, commonin the modern society. From them, derives a confrontation between the ways that young people act and what we ourselves, the youth, scornfully consider as “passed traditions”. Another aspect toemphasize upon is that the youngsters nowadays turn everyday more autonomous, and seeing themselves not in agreement with the reality of the adults, take risks and find different types of agile and cleversolutions and answers for things that maybe adults could never discover. This occurs maybe because adults are used to living in the monotony of the years and in living with the traditions of the pastwithout thinking in the different alternatives of life.
Seeking the motives in other cultures, periods or generations, seems to me like taking too much out of context a current phenomenon. In any...
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