
Páginas: 2 (299 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2012
Language socialization: The first stages of language are very productive; children acquire language and social skills together. They have to learn sets of social rules about language, socialconventions and pragmatics process for language use.
There is not a single definition of bilingualism because there are many varieties according different features: terms as first, native or motherlanguage and second or foreign language, learning process or acquisition, age of learning and time spent using the language, depend on the skills’ level; the receptive skill (listening and reading) andthe productive skills (writing and speaking) also the performance in internal and external functions, likewise the domains as home work and school, all of these characteristic of bilingualism changeregarding to each individual speaker. That is why the term of bilingualism is too difficult to define; there is balanced bilingualism, compound bilinguals (whose two languages were assumed to beclosely connected) and coordinate bilinguals (who had learned each language in separate contexts) and so on.
In fact, in bilingualism exists some phenomenon such as code switching (borrowing) andcode mixing (as Jamaican English) that involves use both language one into another. In code switching it is possible observe different kinds of it, according to pronunciation and syntax or grammarstructures that are use by multilingual person.
As has been noted, bilinguals have a wealth set of sociolinguistic characteristics because it is associated with topics and places, also identities androles that negotiate social relations. Then we are locating in our country the government propone a line of policies that pretend “bilingual Bogota” without real parameters to achieve this. Besidesmost people in Colombia do not have the awareness of the importance to learn another language. Bilingualism provides a wider cultural framework. But in our country this process is so sluggish.
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