
Páginas: 5 (1125 palabras) Publicado: 13 de noviembre de 2012
Stowman Basic Tutorial


Load vessel profile ........................................................................................................................... 2


Port call list ...................................................................................................................................... 3


Import Baplie arrivalcondition........................................................................................................ 4


Load export list ................................................................................................................................ 5


Planning........................................................................................................................................... 7


Condition Check............................................................................................................................... 8


Crane split ........................................................................................................................................ 9


Save............................................................................................................................................... 11


Report ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 13A.

Create tie file ............................................................................................................................. 13


Restower.................................................................................................................................... 16


DG cargo.................................................................................................................................... 17


Report Setup.............................................................................................................................. 19


Create new vessel profile with VSD........................................................................................... 23

1. Load vessel profile
Macs3 typically startswith the vessel profile used in the last session.
If this is not the vessel you want to work with, use:
FILE – Load new ship

Select the vessel and click Load-button.
If the vessel is not shown in the list, try to find it with Browse-button.

2. Port call list
Macs3 will automatically load the last port call list used for the current vessel.

If the port call list is not correct, you canchange it with TOOLS – Port call list

Add, change or delete port calls as necessary and confirm with OK-button.

3. Import Baplie arrival condition
Use PLANNING - FILE – Load Arrival Condition and select intended file.
Click on Arrival in lower Condition tab

The containers will be shown in the bay plan.

Do manually corrections if the Baplie is not exactly matching with the realarrival condition.

4. Load export list
Use PLANNING – FILE – Load/update export list
Select the intended load list and click OK-button.
Click on Departure in lower Condition tab

The export containers will be shown at the pier.

If the format of the export list is not a generic format like Baplie but any user format like an Excel
list or pml-format the default text file format has to matchwith the format of the load list.
This text file format is a tie-file and can be selected under FILE- Text file settings.
To create new tie settings, see appendix A.

5. Planning
To plan the containers choose under BELCO-Planning to switch to Planning mode.
To plan you might wish to sort the containers by weight. This can be done by clicking at the
weight column header.
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