
Páginas: 2 (255 palabras) Publicado: 11 de abril de 2011

My name is Paola Castaño Tatiana Torres, born on October 5, 1992 in Manizales, Caldas.
My mother is named Vivian Brownand Jaime Torres My Father, My sister's name is Alejandra brown towers with whom I share much of my life and experiences. 

Take myprimary in the city of Manizales in the framework Fidel Suarez, and part of secondary education at the institute Villamaria.
In my 15years old we moved to live wing city of Bogota which I finished my high school in 2009 and take 2 semesters of accounting andfinance. Now I'm studying hospitality and tourism abut in Idontec in the city of Manizales. 
In December 2010 he returned to live in Manila untiltoday. 
When little was very quiet, not shy and very applied. I think just because you do not live with my dad I earn a certainmaturity. 

Well today I'm not sure if he thought it would be, but I'm happy with who I am, for the reason that I know. I think I'm anormal girl with some problems, like everyone, but who knows confront them and always have their heads held high. I have ideals that I wantto meet.I know life is not only do I belong, that the rules are there to be broken and that there are no "limits" but persons withlimited ... I can do whatever he wants as long as you want and I can be more than you imagine with great confidence and faith in myself. 
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