Bioquimica Soluciones

Páginas: 4 (959 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2015
Universidad popular del cesar

1.1 Introduction
To respect the word solution is the homogeneous mixture of two substances (solute and solvent) is the uniform mixture orsimple, solute; is the component dispersed in smaller quantities, the solvent component the dispersant in greater quantity. The mixture is known as colloid, and according to the state of the particlethe colloids can be classified in gels, emulsions, foams, sprays.
The chemical reaction of the bodies of living beings is carried out in solution; therefore the properties of the solutions affectchemical reactions and affect the physiology of living beings. Most of the biological substances both intracellular and extracellular are in the form of colloidal solution or state.

1.Generals Objectives
We will look at the parts of a solution, and identify the most common valued solutions as well as their preparation.

2. Specific Objective
2.1 based onthe solution density, percentage weight by weight and the solute; calculate the concentration of a solution in other units.
2.2 Identify the solution to the problem and to express it in different knownconcentration.
2.3 Experimentally determine the known concentration.

Resultados de laboratorio:
Hallar 100 gr de soluto al 15% p/p de NaCl...?

Se despeja:

Foto #1Hallar el p/V de 100ml de solución al 15% de p/v?
x 100

De despeja:


Halar en %v/v…de 15 V/V y 100ml de solución

Se despeja

Foto #3

Foto #4

Análisis e resultadoaunque las soluciones están basadas cálculos parecidos, a todos las muestras nos resultaron un poco distintas, debido a las cifras que se tomaron al calcular, al pesar o medir y al aforar.
Este casopodemos decir que en los cálculos si afectaron un poco las cifras que se tomaron, así como posibles errores en la medición y preparación de cada solución.
Sin embargo al final el instructor de la...
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