Bulimia y Anorexia

Páginas: 15 (3558 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2011
EATING DISORDERS: Study text from the website http://www.something-fishy.org/whatarethey/edordiet.php Name: ……………………….. Eating Disorder or Diet? Date: …………......... ED or Diet? 1. Anorexia 2.Bulimia 3. Compulsive Eating 4.Binge Eating

The most common element surrounding ALL Eating Disorders is the inherent presence of a Low Self Esteem Having an Eating Disorder is much more than just being ona diet. An Eating Disorder is an illness that permeates all aspects of each sufferer's life, is caused by a variety of emotional factors and influences, and has profound effects on the people suffering and their loved ones. Dieting is about losing a little bit of weight in a healthy way. Eating Disorders are about trying to make your whole life better through food and eating (or lack of). Dietingis about doing something healthy for yourself. Eating Disorders are about seeking approval and acceptance from everyone through negative attention. Dieting is about losing a bit of weight and doing it healthfully. Eating Disorders are about how life won't be good until a bit (or a lot) of weight is lost, and there's no concern for what kind of damage you do to yourself to get there. Dieting isabout losing some weight in a healthy way so how you feel on the outside will match how good you already feel on the inside. Eating Disorders are about being convinced that your whole self-esteem is hinged on what you weigh and how you look. Dieting is about attempting to control your weight a bit better. Eating Disorders are about attempting to control your life and emotions through food/lack offood -- and are a huge neon sign saying "look how out of control I really feel" Dieting is about losing some weight. Eating Disorders are about everything going on in life -- stress, coping, pain, anger, acceptance, validation, confusion, fear -- cleverly (or not so cleverly) hidden behind phrases like "I'm just on a diet". 1.- Anorexia Nervosa Those who are suffering with this illness have a lowself-esteem and often a tremendous need to control their surroundings and emotions. The Eating Disorder, Anorexia, is a unique reaction to a variety of external and internal conflicts, such as stress, anxiety, unhappiness and feeling like life is out of control. Anorexia is a negative way to cope with these emotions. New research indicates that for a percentage of sufferers, a genetic predispositionmay play a role in a sensitivity to develop Anorexia, with environmental factors being the trigger.

"...starvation fills a void inside when it's approval from you I crave. The desire for food is gone and you are there again... yelling... so negative. Times like this filled with the pounding urge to run far away and disappear..." The person suffering with Anorexia may be abnormally sensitiveabout being perceived as fat, or have a massive fear of becoming fat -- though not all people living with Anorexia have this fear. They may be afraid of losing control over the amount of food they eat, accompanied by the desire to control their emotions and reactions to their emotions. With a low self-esteem and need for acceptance they will turn to obsessive dieting and starvation as a way tocontrol not only their weight, but their feelings and actions regarding the emotions attached. Some also feel that they do not deserve pleasure out of life, and will deprive themselves of situations offering pleasure (including eating). Some of the behavioral signs can be: obsessive exercise, calorie and fat gram counting, starvation and restriction of food, self-induced vomiting, the use of dietpills, laxatives or diuretics to attempt controlling weight, and a persistent concern with body image. See Also, Signs and Symptoms. It is not uncommon for people suffering with Anorexia to waver through periods of Bulimia (binging and purging) as well. "... lost in the darkness of my own circumstance, criticizing echoes leaving me awake in the night... the barrier and blockades that keep me safe and...
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