Bulimia y anorexia

Páginas: 7 (1553 palabras) Publicado: 19 de junio de 2010

Bulimia and anorexia are two food-type disorders that exist all over the world, but this regularly can be found in women, but this means that men do not.

Previously this disease was in adolescents, but now today, also occurs in children, this is caused by that today in our society do we live with many stereotypes that the mainstream media have imposed on us.

Besides thereare many young people who no longer take these disorders as diseases but as a way of life these guys can be recognized around the world who wear such bracelets in purple is for bulimia, they name their price or princess of ana y mia the name is ´cause the anorexia is named-ana and the bulimia-mia and


Bulimia, eating disorder caused by anxiety and a preoccupation with bodyweight and physical appearance.

Bulimia is a disease of different causes (psychological and somatic), which produces derangements in food intake with periods of compulsive eating, diets with other terms, vomiting and intake of medicines (laxatives and diuretics).

It is a disease that occurs more in women than in men, and usually they do in adolescence and last for many more years.

Peoplesuffering from Bulimia, have low self-esteem and feel guilty about eating too much, often cause vomiting, laxatives, eat and do fasts, because of this, show abrupt changes of body weight.

The behavior seen in bulimic patients with anorexia nervosa or people who carry out diets exaggerated, but the bulimia does not produce excessive weight loss.

What do we ANOREXIA?

 Anorexia, loss ofappetite, to have a rapid weight loss by restricting food intake, especially high-calorie, with or without the use of laxatives or diuretics. Must be distinguished from specific psychological disorder known as anorexia nervosa and also the relatively low food intake, the latter is not dangerous to health as a varied diet and body weight is maintained, and should not be viewed as a disorder requiringmedical treatment.

         People with anorexia have a distorted body image (they look fat, even when they have a state of extreme thinness.).

Anorexia nervosa is a serious change of eating behavior characterized by a refusal to maintain body weight in a minimally normal, intense fear of gaining weight and altered body perception.

Usually weight loss is achieved by reducing total food intake.While anorexics begin by excluding from your diet all foods high in calories, most recently with a very restricted diet, limited to a few foods, often accompanied by excessive exercise.

In anorexia nervosa can be distinguished several subtypes: Restrictive, describing pictures clones in which the weight loss achieved through diet or intense exercise, where patients with anorexia nervosa do notresort to binge eating or purging, while another type is Compulsive purgatory used to identify an individual regularly engaged in binge eating or purging, some have not binge but purges rely on even after eating small amounts of food.


Symptoms of bulimia include recurrent episodes ever:

It begins withdiets to improve physical appearance.

The desire to eat sweet foods and high fat is very strong.

Feelings of anger, fatigue, anxiety, loneliness or boredom caused the emergence of binge eating.

After access feel great guilt or being tried different methods to remove the intake (induced vomiting, laxatives, etc.)..

Anxiety or compulsion to eat.


Abuse of laxatives anddiuretics.

Monitoring of various diets.


Menstrual disorders.

Weight increase and sharp declines.

Increased dental caries.

The habit takes root.

The most common personality profile of a teenager is responsible, with excellent performance in school (eg, flag, brilliant), with great command of language, what would be called "a child to copy." Eating behavior is often...
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