
Páginas: 25 (6079 palabras) Publicado: 7 de diciembre de 2011

Background: This Business English lesson is about a guy who wants to invest $10 000 in the Chinese mainland stock market. He is talking to a financial sales representative to see what his options are. He wants to buy an index fund so he can have a lot of exposure to the stock market without paying the high fees of mutual funds. He finds out that hecan only buy mutual funds because there are no index funds for the mainland. He feels a little hesitant to listen to the sale’s person because he knows that financial sale’s people earn more money in commissions when they sell mutual funds. Sometimes sale’s people will recommend products that will make themselves more money, and not the products that they truly believe will be the best for theclient. In the end the client decides to buy the mutual fund because he believes he has no other good options with his limited $10 000 investment and the fact that he isn’t really sure which companies he should buy on the Chinese stock exchange.

A: So what can I do for you today?

B: I’m looking to invest $10 000 into an index fund and I was wondering about which funds you havefor the Chinese mainland market.

A: We only have mutual funds for the Chinese market. Unfortunately there is no index fund for the mainland yet.

B: Really? I really don’t want to buy mutual funds because of the fees. Is there any other way to get a piece of the action?

A: You could buy multinationals that do a lot of business in China. That’s one indirect way of doing it and you’d be ableto avoid the fees. I’d still recommend, however, that you buy a mutual fund to diversify.


B: Well, I’m not surprised. I’m sure you get a nice commission on that. But maybe I should buy one because I really would have no idea what to choose on my own and a $10 000 investment isn’t a lot to play with.

Key vocabulary and phrases that are discussed in the podcast:Index fund: A passively managed group of stocks. Index funds have rules for which kinds of stocks will be part of the fund. The stocks are not chosen by a person so they are cheaper than mutual funds. One index fund might be all the stocks on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Mutual fund: An actively managed group of stocks. There is a team of people who choose which kind of stocks will be partof the fund. When you buy them you have to pay a commission of often 2% per year regardless of whether or not the fund makes any money.

Get a piece of the action: It means to join in on something that is hot or going really well.

Multinationals: Short for Multinational Corporation. These are large companies that do business in several different countries. Macdonald’s and Microsoft are twoexamples of Multinationals.

Diversify: Invest your money if many different things to reduce risk. If you invest all your money in one thing only, you have a higher chance of losing a lot of money.


Money to play with: If you have money that you are willing to invest, then we often call this money to play with. It also implies that it is money that you can affordto lose.



Background: Business English podcast 2: buying a house Mortgage: a bank loan for a house. Down payment: the money that you pay at first when you buy something on a loan. For example, if you bought a 200 000 home, you might pay 10% or 20 000 dollars for a down payment. The rest of the 180 000 is themortgage.

A: My wife and I are looking to buy a starter home. We’re wondering how much we can realistically afford.

B: What do you two currently do for a living? How is your credit rating? And how much to you have for a down payment?

A: We are both high school teachers and make about $50 000. We always pay our bills on time and have no debt but I’m not really sure what are...
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