Caja Tacna

Páginas: 2 (374 palabras) Publicado: 1 de mayo de 2012
my typical morning
i wake up at 5:30, then I get up at about 5:50 after that I take a shower and dressed then, I hav break fast with my family after, I leave home at 7:30 to go to school I stantclass at 8:00 and finlly, i go bed at about.....

Vicky´s typical morning
she wakes up at 7:00 o´clock, then she gets up after that, she takes a shower and gets dressed afterwards, she has breakfastand then, she goes to work.

mi tipica mañana.
Me despierto a las seis de la mañana. luego me levanto a las seis y quince. después me ducho. me visto y bajo a tomar my desayuno con mistios. A las siete y media voy a trabajar, y salgo de mi trabajo. a las cuatro y treinta para ir al Instituto. a las diez en punto terminan mis clases, y me voy a mi casa. me voy a la cama a las once ymedia de la noche.

uno. dos. tres. cuatro. cinco. seis. siete. ocho. nueve. diez. once. doce. trece. catorce. quince. diesiseis. diecisiete. diez y ocho, diecinueve. veinti. treinta. cuarenta.cincuenta. sesenta. seventy. eighty. ninety. cien. doscientos. mil. dos mil. Milliones

famous actors
coffee- net
pretty woman
reservations are accepted
fast food
american Airlines hotel

at ahotel
hugh grant, kate winslet and will smit
americans eat a lot of this.
you chat or whrite e-mails here.
a famous hollywood movie from the 1990s.

what do your parents do?
they´re artist
doyou play the piano very well?
yes, I do
who are you?
what do you do? I'm a musician I always watch TV.
I'm very well thanks
what do you want to do today, michael? want


usually livewith but until age lifestyles young
says that today many at
atn when or older out
go out at night, spend their money on cellphones their money
designer clothes notI
It's not only universitystudents, but also young who have jobs earn other countries childrens leave later between this week naples judge decided
Aget MUoST must
pay a month to his child

but he's not a child old...
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  • Caja Tacna
  • Caja Tacna
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  • Tacna
  • Tacna
  • tacna
  • Tacna

Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas