Calentamiento Globak

Páginas: 6 (1420 palabras) Publicado: 16 de enero de 2013
Our World.
I want to have your attention for just 10 minutes today to talk to you about something that will follow you for the rest of your lives.
Everyone here has something common, this planet. Our planet is ill. I do not think this is true, I know this is true. You just have to look around. We are destroying nature, we are destroying what we are living in, we are basically committingsuicide. This is our home, our only home and we can not see that she is suffering.
Some people say that we are apart from nature. They say we create our own habitat we do not need nature, this is why people focus on the economy and on focusing on the economy we have forgotten where we come from. This is wrong. We have forgotten that if we do something to offend nature, we are going to pay a price andthat is exactly what is happening right now.
During industrial revolution nature was used as a limitless resource which we extracted by means of oil and coal which enabled us to create great numbers of food, clothes and transportation. We are relying on non-renewable rich carbon we call fossil fuel to power all this. The real problem is that there are too many of us using too many resources, toofast.
We rely on oil for almost everything this is a fact we use it to extract every resource faster and we have come to rely on it. We don’t see the externalities that this causes: acid rain, people are becoming prominent to asthma, the burning of this fossil fuel contributing to global warming…
Our reliance on fossil fuels has reached the government and this is made out mostly of crudepoliticians that have little to no idea on global warming and on its impacts. They prefer to lie and ignore the overwhelming evidence that is laid out infront of them. This is because of there being a lot of funds that these people have. Some of these are organisations funded by oil companies are: Devon energy, Murray energy and the tea party. All of these people are investing as much money as they can tostop the news of climate change. That is why the money available to big business means that there will always be a massive asymmetry of this kind in the potential for political funding.
We have become dependent on oil which has lead to a dependency on extraction of those resources which has set in motion a sequence of events which has lead us to our modern crisis known as climate change.
Now Iwant to quote Stephen Hawking one of the greatest minds of our world:
“One of the most serious consequences of our actions is global warming. Brought about by rising levels of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. The danger of the temperature increase might become self sustaining if it has not become already. The drought and deforestation have reduced the amount of carbon dioxiderecycled into the atmosphere and the warming of the seas may trigger the release of large quantities of CO2 trapped under the ocean floor. The amount of melting of the icing in the arctic is reducing the light reflected to space and so increasing the temperature further. We do not know when the global warming would stop but the worst case scenario is that Earth would become like its sister planetVenus with a temperature of 250ºC and raining sulfuric acid. The human race could not survive in these conditions.”
People think it is a cycle:
I just want to say some facts: we are able to survive in this planet thanks to the sun light reflected back into the air by water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane. This is all well and good but we have increased the levels of CO2 by 35% and methane by150%. This has made Earth warmer and is continuing because we keep using fossil fuels at a barbaric amount. Such a vast amount that it has become a problem.
Another fact in the past 300,000 years CO2 levels have never gone over 280,000 per million now it is at 400,000 per million and scientist believe that this is a tipping point were we will lose power over nature and hurricanes, tornados,...
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