Capacitacion y Desarrollo

Páginas: 32 (7864 palabras) Publicado: 7 de abril de 2012
Capacitación y Desarrollo
Guía de Trabajos Prácticos – Actividades

Bueno Duarte Matías

LU: 133246


(*) Estas actividades están basadas en la metodología del caso. La preparación del mismo, es esencial para una correcta experiencia de aprendizaje. Es un requisito que cada participante confeccione un “Análisis de una hoja”, antes de la sesión en que será tratado elcaso. Recomendamos utilizar encabezados de párrafos para estructurar el análisis y facilitar su lectura. Este material deberá ser entregado en forma impresa al comienzo de la sesión. No describa los hechos que figuran en al caso, analícelos desde la posición del CEO o del máximo responsable de la decisión.
Estilo: Times New Roman, tamaño 11, espaciado simple, 2,5 cm de márgenes.

UnidadI - Hand Out: Organizaciones que aprenden

Lea el artículo: “Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations: An Overview” y responda las
siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Qué es el aprendizaje ‘adaptativo’ y qué es el aprendizaje ‘generativo’?
2. ¿Cómo se define en el artículo al aprendizaje organizacional?
3. ¿Qué relación plantea el artículo entre el aprendizaje organizacional y lasexperiencias de
los gerentes / directivos?
4. ¿Dónde pone Argyris el ‘foco’ al referirse a los problemas que impiden que las
organizaciones implementen un aprendizaje generativo?
5. Realice una síntesis del artículo en no más de 1 carilla.

What is Organizational Learning?

Argyris (1977) defines organizational learning as the process of "detection and correction of errors." In his vieworganizations learn through individuals acting as agents for them: "The individuals' learning activities, in turn, are facilitated or inhibited by an ecological system of factors that may be called an organizational learning system" (p. 117).

Huber (1991) considers four constructs as integrally linked to organizational learning: knowledge acquisition, information distribution, informationinterpretation, and organizational memory. He clarifies that learning need not be conscious or intentional. Further, learning does not always increase the learner's effectiveness, or even potential effectiveness. Moreover, learning need not result in observable changes in behavior.
Taking a behavioral perspective, Huber (1991) notes: An entity learns if, through its processing of information, the range of itspotential behaviors is changed.

Weick (1991) argues that the defining property of learning is the combination of same stimulus and different responses, however it is rare in organizations meaning either organizations don't learn or that organizations learn but in nontraditional ways. He further notes: "Perhaps organizations are not built to learn. Instead, they are patterns of meansendsrelations deliberately designed to make the same routine response to different stimuli, a pattern which is antithetical to learning in the traditional sense" (p. 119). Or else, he argues, Organizational Learning perhaps involves a different kind of learning than has been described in the past: "the process within the organization by which knowledge about action-outcome relationships and the effect ofthe environment on these relationships is developed" (Duncan & Weiss 1979). In his view, "a more radical approach would take the position that individual learning occurs when people give a different response to the same stimulus, but Organizational Learning occurs when groups of people give the same response to different stimuli."

What is a Learning Organization?

Senge (1990) defines theLearning Organization as the organization "in which you cannot not learn because learning is so insinuated into the fabric of life." Also, he defines Learning
Organization as "a group of people continually enhancing their capacity to create what they want to create." I would define Learning Organization as an "Organization with an ingrained philosophy for anticipating, reacting and responding to...
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