Capillary Action

Páginas: 3 (584 palabras) Publicado: 14 de septiembre de 2011
Topic: Capillary

Problem: To demonstrate capillary action

Hypothesis: By placing to straws on two bottles full with a solution of water and cool laid and having close only one bottle lettingonly the straw pass through capillary action will be demonstrate.

In plants the transport of water occurs by different processes. Some of the processes are evapotranspiration and capillaryaction. The two processes transport water to all the parts of a plant. Evapotranspiration consist of two processes which are evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation is the process of water changingfrom a liquid into a gas or vapor. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from a plant's leaves, stem, flowers, or roots back into the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration helps to cool the plants andit is important to the hydrologic cycle. Evapotranspiration can occur using energy or without using energy.
Capillary action consists on adhesion and cohesion working together to form a water column.Cohesion is the process of clinging water droplets to each other by hydrogen bonding. Adhesion is the process of cling the water droplets to another surface by hydrogen bonding. While cohesion istaking place, adhesion is also occurring. Adhesion and cohesion occur in the xylem. The xylem is in the stem of a plant which is responsible for conducting the liquids and minerals in the plant.Capillary starts when the water is absorbed from the soil by the roots. Then cohesion and adhesion start. The forces of adhesion and cohesion are able to transport the water from the bottom, up to the topof the plants. There are sometimes that the plants are too high and the capillary action cannot transport the water up to the top and that point is when evapotranspiration take place.Evapotranspiration is in charge of transporting the water higher and to the leaves so that the water can be transpired. The two processes need to work in pair so that the transportation of water through all the...
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