Caso toyota

Páginas: 3 (628 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2010
Toyota Motor Manufacturing is a factory build in Kentucky for several reasons, for political pressure and for the needs of attend a big demand of sedan vehicles in the United States, with is 1/3 ofthe total industry.
At Toyota Motor Manufacturing they use very particular ideologies and methodologies for production, like the Toyota production system. This system is based on Just in Time (JIT),but there is some improving with other methodologies, which are described next.
Jidoka: It means automation. But in Toyota they also consider people, so it means machines with humanlikeintelligence, used by people. At TPS they have a use for humans and for machines, the equipment contains indicating devices as lights or buzzers. Humans and machines can produce with defects, at the end Toyotaprevents defective items and reduces waste, and improves quality for production.
Andom: It’s the Japanese word for lantern, describes the appearance of the board shown in the bottom half of exhibit.When a production line has a problem a light turns on, different lights mean different problems. It also shows if the line is stopped or if it’s temporary. A green light means there’s no problem,yellow is for a problem at the station. This device quickly prevents the supervisor of a problem for him to solve it as soon as possible.
Heiyunka: This is Toyota’s terminology for distributing volumeand different specifications evenly over the span of production such as a day, week and month. With this, the production output should be able to satisfy the variations that dealers have when theysale.
Kaizen: It means changing something for the better; it includes standardized work, equipment, and other procedures for daily production. Its purpose is to eliminate waste in seven categories:Overproduction, waiting imposed by an inefficient work sequence, handling inessential to a smooth workflow. Processing that does not add value, inventory in excess of immediate needs, motion that does...
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  • caso toyota

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