Colombia Is Passion

Páginas: 5 (1157 palabras) Publicado: 27 de febrero de 2013


Colombia is a country with big opportunities which undeniable achievements during the last years as for safety, economic and social development, foreign investment, exterior trade and tourism still are not perceived in his real dimension in the exterior. Colombia is A Passion is a strategy designed to announce the reality ofa country, which in spite of his many problems, is today different from that one that for a wrong perception in the international area, he denies to him to the country diverse opportunities and income for concept of tourism, foreign investment and exports. Image Country is the name of the project that by means of the brand Colombia is A Passion looks that the world knows a country in full route ofdevelopment, with a stable economy, a privileged geography, big natural resources, but especially hot, nice and passionate people.
Topic 1
It is to have an identity, a name and a reputation. In the current conjuncture of globalization, it is important that the countries differ from others, to be able like that to compete on the international market. The brands countryassemble own characteristics that make them only. In some cases, it can be a natural characteristic as: the Great Cannon of the Colorado in The United States, the pyramids of Egypt or the Great Wall China. In some cases, they are the products those that distinguish to a nation opposite to the international markets. Since example is the vodka that identifies to Russia, the pizza to Italy, thewhiskey to Scotland, the hamburgers to The United States and the coffee to Colombia. Finally the countries are products that the persons, the companies and up to other countries, consume across three foreheads: Export, Tourism and Investment. Countries as Australia, New Zealand, Croatia, Spain, Switzerland, Argentina, between others, have understood this need and have developed his own brands, whichanswer to the inherent needs of each one and it gives them a differential that allows them to generate major development. In the last years Colombia has registered advances in different aspects as: safety, economy, qualit indicators of life, between others. Every day, the Colombians are outlined for managerial, artistic, sports and personal achievements. This new reality allowed him Colombia tothink about the need to generate an own brand that was turning into the tool indicated to show these changes to the world.
Topic 2

After a process of search of the Colombian essence centred in discovering which was this profitable factor that it was allowing to re-dress in competitiveness and to differ to the country, one thought that the common denominator of theColombians was his inexhaustible Passion. It came near to the conclusion that the passion is the force that moves us day after day, it is the source wherefrom our extraordinary tenacity and intensity arises for everything what we do. Undoubtedly someone, the passion is the best raw material of our citizens.
From each of us it begins the projection of the image that we wish for our country. Because of itColombia is A Passion, works in order that each of the Colombians we are faithful representatives of the national identity; identifying with this noble heart, telling him to the world the good things that we do hotly. Then, more than a brand, Colombia is A Passion, has turned into a feeling that identifies all the Colombians as the social and cultural only group. Beside being the engine thatstimulates us to give the better thing of us themselves for the good of the country. On the other hand, also, it is transforming in a symbol which impact maximizes the recognition of the quality of the Colombian identity worldwide.
Topic 3
Video “Colombia is passion”
Topic 4
Tourist destinations of Colombia

Colombia is a modern...
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