Colour Idioms

Páginas: 7 (1522 palabras) Publicado: 23 de octubre de 2012
Black Idioms

* as black as coal
Meaning: very black.
* black eye
Meaning: a bruise near one's eye which makes it appear black; a bad reputation.
* black market
Meaning: the place where goods or money are illegally bought and sold; a system of buying and selling officially controlled goods illegally.
* blackmail
Meaning: to extort/take money from someone by threats todivulge.
* black list
Meaning: list of unwanted people; a list of disapproved people or groups who are under suspicion or excluded from something; to exclude/ostracize someone, to write someone's name on a list if they break some rules.
* blackout
Meaning: loss of electricity; to lose consciousness; temporary withholding of information.
* black sheep
Meaning: somebody regarded by theother members of a family or group as not living up to their standards and expectations (a misfit); a person who is a disgrace or embarrassment to a family or group.
* in the black
Meaning: successful or profitable; not showing a financial loss.
* blackball
Meaning: to exclude/ostracize someone socially, to reject someone; The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto.
*black-tie event/affair
Meaning: a formal event where guests wear semi-formal clothes with men wearing black bow ties with tuxedos or dinner jackets.
* in (someone's) black books
Meaning: to be in disgrace or out of favor with someone.
* pitch-black
Meaning: very black, as black as pitch.
* pot calling the kettle black
Meaning: the person who criticizes/accuses someone else is asguilty as the person he or she criticizes/accuses; criticizing others for the very fault one possesses.

Black and Blue Idioms

* black and blue
Meaning: bruised

Black and white Idioms

* black and white
Meaning: simple, clear and understandable; clearly distinct or different; either good or bad, either one way or the other way but not in between; in writing, officially.
* putdown in black and white
Meaning: to write the details of a contract or something on paper.

Brown Idioms

* as brown as a berry
Meaning: having the skin tanned brown by the sun.
* brown bag it
Meaning: to take a lunch to work or elsewhere, usually in a small brown paper bag.
* brownout
Meaning: partial loss of electricity; dimming of lights - so named because it typically causeslights to dim.
* brown-nose
Meaning: slightly vulgar, refers to flattering (please) someone in a position of power in order to obtain favors, in a way that other people find unpleasant
* in a brown study
Meaning: seriously contemplating something.

Blue Idioms

* Blue
Meaning: sad
* blue blood
Meaning: royal, regal; : the blood of a noble/aristocratic family.
* bluefunk
Meaning: very depressed
* blue movies
Meaning: movies with explicit sex.
* blue ribbon
Meaning: first rate; of superior quality; the best of a group; the highest distinction or first prize in a particular field.
* blue-collar workers
Meaning: laborers; manual workers
* a blue-eyed boy
Meaning: a boy/young man who has been singled out for special favors by someone inauthority; a boy/young man who is liked and admired by someone in authority.
* to appear/happen out of the blue
Meaning: to happen very suddenly and unexpectedly.
* to blue pencil something
Meaning: to censor something.
* to look / feel blue
Meaning: to look / feel depressed or discontented.
* blue in the face
Meaning: Exhausted from anger, strain, or other great effort; weakened,tired after trying many times.
* once in a blue moon
Meaning: to occur extremely rarely or only once in a life-time.
* feel blue
Meaning: depressed
* get/have the blues
Meaning: to become sad or depressed.
* out of the blue
Meaning: without any warning, by surprise.
* talk a blue streak
Meaning: to talk very much and very rapidly.
* talk until one is blue in the face...
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