Common Sat Words

Páginas: 92 (22834 palabras) Publicado: 21 de julio de 2012
The 1000 Most Common SAT Words
abase (v.) to humiliate, degrade (After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror.) abate (v.) to reduce, lessen (The rain poured down for a while, then abated.)

SAT Vocabulary

abdicate (v.) to give up a position, usually one of leadership (When he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the kingabdicated his throne.) abduct (v.) to kidnap, take by force (The evildoers abducted the fairy princess from her happy home.) aberration (n.) something that differs from the norm (In 1918, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and the Red Sox have not won a World Series since.) abet (v.) to aid, help, encourage (The spy succeeded only because he had afriend on the inside to abet him.)

A abhor (v.) to hate, detest (Because he always wound up kicking himself in the head when he tried to play soccer, Oswald began to abhor the sport.) abide 1. (v.) to put up with (Though he did not agree with the decision, Chuck decided to abide by it.) 2. (v.) to remain (Despite the beating they’ve taken from the weather throughout the millennia, the mountainsabide.) abject (adj.) wretched, pitiful (After losing all her money, falling into a puddle, and breaking her ankle, Eloise was abject.) abjure (v.) to reject, renounce (To prove his honesty, the President abjured the evil policies of his wicked predecessor.) abnegation (n.) denial of comfort to oneself (The holy man slept on the floor, took only cold showers, and generally followed other practicesof abnegation.) abort (v.) to give up on a half-finished project or effort (After they ran out of food, the men, attempting to jump rope around the world, had to abort and go home.) abridge 1. (v.) to cut down, shorten (The publisher thought the dictionary was too long and abridged it.) 2. (adj.) shortened (Moby-Dick is such a long book that even the abridged version is longer than most normalbooks.) abrogate (v.) to abolish, usually by authority (The Bill of Rights assures that the government cannot abrogate our right to a free press.) abscond (v.) to sneak away and hide (In the confusion, the super-spy absconded into the night with the secret plans.) absolution (n.) freedom from blame, guilt, sin (Once all the facts were known, the jury gave Angela absolution by giving a verdict of notguilty.)

SAT Vocabulary

abstain (v.) to freely choose not to commit an action (Everyone demanded that Angus put on the kilt, but he did not want to do it and abstained.) abstruse (adj.) hard to comprehend (Everyone else in the class understood geometry easily, but John found the subject abstruse.) accede (v.) to agree (When the class asked the teacher whether they could play baseball insteadof learn grammar they expected him to refuse, but instead he acceded to their request.) accentuate (v.) to stress, highlight (Psychologists agree that those people who are happiest accentuate the positive in life.)

A accessible (adj.) obtainable, reachable (After studying with SparkNotes and getting a great score on the SAT, Marlena happily realized that her goal of getting into an Ivy-Leaguecollege was accessible.) acclaim (n.) high praise (Greg’s excellent poem won the acclaim of his friends.) accolade (n.) high praise, special distinction (Everyone offered accolades to Sam after he won the Noble Prize.) accommodating (adj.) helpful, obliging, polite (Though the apartment was not big enough for three people, Arnold, Mark, and Zebulon were all friends and were accommodating to eachother.) accord (n.) an agreement (After much negotiating, England and Iceland finally came to a mutually beneficial accord about fishing rights off the cost of Greenland.) accost (v.) to confront verbally (Though Antoinette was normally quite calm, when the waiter spilled soup on her for the fourth time in 15 minutes she stood up and accosted the man.) accretion (n.) slow growth in size or amount...
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