Communism and democracy

Páginas: 4 (955 palabras) Publicado: 30 de marzo de 2011
Communism and democracy

Communism (the common), understood as social and economic organization, is a community-based association of social means of production and goods produced by them. Unlikewhat happens under socialism, communism involves the abolition of the division of labor and money.

Communism, understood as socio-political movement, is a collection of current and historical groupswhose main objective is "particularly since the adoption of the Marxist-revolutionary abolition of capitalist society as ultimate form of class society, and establishment of a socialist society as aprelude to the gradual construction of a communist social organization. The doctrines of the various communist currents agree on the need to abolish private property (especially of the social means ofproduction) and the emancipation of the proletariat as the oppressed class without economic self-denial of any possible private ownership and therefore tending to disappear as a class in a communistcommunity.

Due to the popularity of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the political polarization between the socialist regimes and Western capitalism, Communism has been almost exclusivelyidentified with the Marxist-Leninist doctrine. However, there are other communist doctrines (some prior to Marxism-Leninism, some contemporary and subsequent) including anarcho-communism on the basis ofpositions sociobiologists (Piotr Kropotkin, Aldous Huxley), communism in Marxist basic advice but Leninist Christian communism premodern and modern (Thomas More, the Shakers of Manchester, GerrardWinstanley), feudal communism struck the last Marx [6] (the traditional Russian Mir, the Scottish island of St Kilda), secularized versions of communism millenarian religious (Gabriel Bonnot de Mably,Morelly) and non-revolutionary movements like the hippies communes and the Israeli kibbutz, among others.

Democracy is a form of organizing groups of people, whose predominant characteristic is that...
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