Contraceptive Methods In Japan
Japan is located in the east of Asia. Its main islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. This country has over 127 millions ofpeople. Japan was founded in the century VII before of Christ for the emperor Jinmu; actually Japan has a Chinese calligraphy system, a Buddhist religion, and a big fusion ofmores provenience of Asia, The United States of America and Europe. The most popular cultural activity according to a 1993 study is the karaoke.
The national sport is thesumo but too practice occidental sports like the baseball, the football and the golf.
There are contraceptive methods existing recently in Japan because before were taboosocial respects to the use of these ones result to the ignorance, here next are some respective methods:
* Contraceptive pill: 40- years the contraceptive pills werebanned in this country because cause for the possible health problems that could cause in the woman. Also argued that with this would decrease the use of the preservative.Were approved for it use but now it’s required that the person do studies of uterine cancer and sexually transmitted infections every three months.
* Condoms: Condomsin Japan represented an 80 percent the use of the contraceptives according to study released in 2004, and that explain the lows of cases of SIDA. Also this method has theadvantage of that can be acquired so easily, inclusive in the vending machines; exist a big commerce in the contraceptive market.
* Contraceptive ring: Too there are theintrauterine dispositives, but it use is preferred for the womens who have had childrens before.
The other methods like the hormonal injections aren’t legalized still.
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