
Páginas: 2 (488 palabras) Publicado: 15 de enero de 2013
Escena 1
*Vivian están en la casa preparando todo, entonces tocan el timbre y llegan Carolina, Evelyn y Xochitl *

Vivian: Hi girls, come on inside.
-Todas entran a la casa-
Evelyn: Tonightwill be very crazy, we will have fun to the fullest!
Vivian: Yeah, I've done everything: music, food, juice and gambling
Carolina: Juice and gambling? Are you serious?
Vivian: Yes…
Evelyn: Do notworry about the fun, I got to bring something for fun.
-Todas se ríen-
Xochitl: We'll have a great time.

Escena 2
-Evelyn saca unas botellas de la cantina y todas comienzan a beber-
Evelyn:Let start the party!
Vivian: No girls, I promised my boyfriend that it would be something quiet.
Carolina: Vivian relax and enjoy your last night as a single.
Xochitl: If Vivian.
-Ponen música ytodas comienzan a bailar-

Escena 3
-A la mañana siguiente todas amanecen tiradas en el suelo, se levanta carolina-
Carolina: head. Evelyn, Xochitl, Arise!
Evelyn: I feel like azombie, I take much tequila last night.
Carolina: I know, me too. Where is xochitl? We have to get Vivian to makeup.
Evelyn: Wait…¡Xochitl! –Le grita a xochitl quien está dormida en el baño, ellasale del baño despeinada y con un tatuaje en la cara-
Xochitl: Here I am .. What do they want?
Carolina: Xochitl do not panic but ...
Xochitl: What, that I have? –se ve en el espejo y grita- I have atattoo in my face!
Evelyn: Where is Vivian? we gotta go. It's too late.

Escena 4
-Carolina y evelyn buscan a Vivian en la casa, Xochitl la busca afuera pero no la encuentran-
Xochitl: Thefound?
Carolina: No and I looked everywhere -Suene el celular de Evelyn-
Evelyn: Its Donaldo…-contesta el telefono- what happened?, If ... ajam ... I think we're a little late. –cuelga el celular-Xochitl: We have problems, not the bride and married in three hours!
Carolina: Quiet, we'll think of a solution. –de nuevo suena el telefono de Evelyn, ella contesta-
Evelyn: Yesterday was...
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