Costumbres inglesas

Páginas: 2 (460 palabras) Publicado: 31 de agosto de 2010
In England they are quite traditional customs. They drive on the left. The first thing to consider is the greeting. The British are quite reserved, so do not greet giving one or two kisses unless youknow well. In other cases the right thing is simply to shake hands, both men and women. 
If you are invited to his house, being punctual, as the British did not support the lateness. It would alsobe good idea to bring a gift for them, like a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers or chocolates. 
But custom is captivating "tea time." It is a ritual held between 3 and 5 in the afternoon. It is atime for sharing and talking with friends and taste delicious with tea. 
As for what should be done in England the first thing is to say "Excuse me" to ask permission if you can not go because someoneblocks your way, for example. We must also bear in her mouth the words "Thank you", "Please" and "Sorry." Instead, we should not speak too loud, staring at someone, ask a woman's age, talk with yourmouth full, or make personal or intimate questions, such as referring to weight, pay, or marital status. 
All these are things that must be taken into account to deal with the English and avoidembarrassment.

En Inglaterra son absolutamente tradicionales con sus costumbres. Lo primero que hay que tener en cuenta es el saludo. Los ingleses son bastante reservados, así que no saludarán dando unoo dos besos a no ser que os conozcan bien. En los demás casos lo adecuado es simplemente dar la mano, tanto a hombres como a mujeres.
Si te invitan a su casa, se puntual, ya que los ingleses nosoportan la impuntualidad. Además, sería buena idea llevar un regalo para ellos, como una botella de vino, un ramo de flores o bombones.
Pero la costumbre que cautiva es “la hora del té”. Es un ritualcelebrado entre las 3 y las 5 de la tarde. Es un momento para compartir y conversar con amigos y degustar exquisiteces junto al té.
Respecto a lo que se debe hacer en Inglaterra, lo primero es decir...
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