Crimenes imperfectps

Páginas: 7 (1619 palabras) Publicado: 25 de abril de 2011
It was a day like another for Eric but with only one difference. He had argued with his mum for study subjects and he decided to go for a walk to the forest that there was next to his house of the village and see all the animals and the atmosphere to can relax. Eric always went to a concrete path in the forest but that day he decided to go by a totally different path. He took her IPod and startedlistening to music when suddenly he stumbled and fell but luckily he didn’t hurt. When he wanted to report, there was a very large rock in front of his face, but there wasn’t a rock, there was a human skull! Eric was scared and he went running to his house and phoned the police to can explain what has happened. Very fast, the patrol police came to his house. The police warned the investigatorsbecause Eric had to tell them where he found it, how… When the police, the investigators and Eric arrived to the place where he found the skull, the police started to cordon off around and the investigators started digging all around to see if it was the body or not. With brushes, to carefully remove the land and they discovered that there was a human body buried under the ground but with acuriosity; it had a jeans that at first glance it appeared intact, a supermarket bag, and his bones had lime, which meant only one thing; there wasn’t a suicide or an accident, it was a murder. Later, the Brigade of Homicide took the body, the bag and the jeans to can investigate better, millimeter my millimeter to find all possible evidence. This investigation consisted of fifty people, but the two moreplayers are June and William. They were the two more famous criminologists and pathologists of all the region.
June put the bones in the metal table that they had in the laboratory to can rebuild a little the form of the body with the found jeans.
Thanks for the jeans, they can find that he or she mediates between 1.58m- 1.60m. For the form of the sacrum bone they could know that the bodybelonged to a woman, as had at least two children, because when a woman has more than two children, the sacrum bone done as a fold. By the bones, she more or less weight fifty four kilos. By the form of the skull, she was an Asiatic girl and for the button of the jean, they saw too that it was of outside the village because mark wasn’t known and it meant that she was from outside the village or thatone day she went on holidays and she bought it. Then when June more or less had how she weighed, how she measured and where she was, she thought with a person could be the key of this case ; the boy that did the faces of the persons, through his or her skull. William and June told him if he could make the face of this girl through the skull that they will gave and he said, yes.
A few days laterthe guy called them. He had the face of the girl finished. June and William decided to take a photo of the face and put it in the TV, in all the programs of TV, in the journal and above in all the news. If one person have seen this face before or they knew about she, they could phone in a number that appeared next to the photo. It was luckily that a couple phoned and they explained that for fiveyears she was his neighbor, and she had a husband with two children and she was Thai but it was five years that she went to Thailand to live there because she didn’t like Spain, she think that Thailand is better than Spain, because here she hasn’t got a lot of friends and she miss her family from them they didn’t know more about she. After that June and William looked for the direction of herhusband. They found the direction in an old paper from his bank. They went to this direction, but the married didn’t live there, this direction was of his parents. They talked with them and they said that he now lives in a hotel, because they hadn’t have enough money for buy a house. They went to the hotel and they found his bedroom. He said that she wanted to come to Thailand to staid with her...
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