Cristiandad Y Budismo

Páginas: 3 (706 palabras) Publicado: 23 de julio de 2012
ENG 098
Christianity and Buddhism
In this paper I’m doing a comparative study of two schools of philosophy of life, as well as explore the meaning and the modern values ​​of the cultural heritageof humankind. There are many differences between Christianity and Buddhism, for example: Christianity believes that all things are created by God, as Buddhism denies the existence of the Creator,Christianity holds that salvation is obtained by faith, while the Buddhism believes in being free of the world through wisdom. But totally, both Christianity and Buddhism (mainly Chinese Buddhism) are lifephilosophies. They respond to questions about where we come from and what’s humankind future, and question the nature of life. Both require people to be well-meant, bighearted, humble and eliminatethe evil in their life, to make life more meaningful.

Both are based on abstract foundations of human nature, but some things are different: Christianity believes that God created man according tohis own image, and therefore there is goodness in human nature, human beings may tend completely toward the benevolence but in another aspect, humanity betrayed God, then there is evil in humannature, human beings have desires and greed for eternity. Whence, in this life there are often conflicts and struggles between good and evil in human nature. So Christianity give emphasis that mankindshould believe in God, and depends on the power of God to strengthen human’s tendency toward good and access to paradise after death.

Buddhism, starting from its basic education, "ascends throughaccomplishment (pratityasamutpada)", believes that all things are naturally shaped by causes and conditions (Hetupratyaya), also believes mankind by its own is the combination of five orders (Pacaskandha)resulting on ignorance and the given conditions (Avidya). As "man is the result of ignorance," is a bit similar to the Christian "original sin", but influenced by the Confucian 'benevolence of human...
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