Cuestionario estratigrafia

Páginas: 5 (1081 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2012


1) The principle which stipulates that in any sequence of undisturbed strata, the oldest layer is at the bottom and successively higher layers are successively younger is the:

a. Principle of superposition
b. Principle of Original Lateral Continuity.
c. Principle of Original Horizontality.
d. Principle of Stratigraphy.2) His method of interpreting rock exposures by observing present day processes was given the phrase “the present is the key to the past” is:

a. Charles Lyell
b. James Hutton
c. William Smith
d. Baron Cuvier

3) The observation that an igneous intrusion or fault that intrudes or cuts a younger rock is called the Principle of:a. Lateral Continuity.
b. Original Horizontality.
c. Cross-Cutting Relationships.
d. Superposition

4) Nicholas Steno formulated all of these basic principles except:
a. Principle of Original Horizontality.
b. Principle of Uniformitarianism.
c. Principle of Superposition
d. Principle of Original Lateral Continuity.

5) Theprinciple that states the past history of the earth can be interpreted in accordance with our knowledge of natural processes still operating today is called:

a. Biologic Continuity
b. Law of Superposition
c. Law of Uniformitarianism
d. Law of Biologic Succession

6) The principle that fossils can be used to correlate strata from different localities thatseparate strata into different ages is called:

a. Stratigraphic Succession
b. Biologic Succession.
c. Lateral Continuity.
d. Walther‘s Law.

7) The geologic time scale was originally based on:

a. the succession of fossil assemblages.
b. the theory of organic evolution.
c. The theory of organic evolution.
d. the absolute age of rocks based on isotope age dates.

8) Theconcept that the history of life as recorded in the fossil record was marked by sudden periods of continental floods or abrupt crustal upheavals is called:

a. Diastrophism.
b. Plutonism.
c. Uniformitarianism.
d. Catastrophism.

9) The correct order of time stratigraphic units from largest to smallest is:

a. age, era, epoch, period.
b. period, epoch, age, era
c. age, epoch,era, age
d. era, period, epoch, age

10) The Carboniferous Systems of Europe and Britain correspond to what systems of North America?

a. Triassic and Jurassic
b. Cambrian and Ordovician
c. Cretaceous and Tertiary
d. Mississippian and Pennsylvanian

11) The system the French geologist Jules Desnoyers in 1829 established as a new geologic system based on certain volcanicsediments exposed in northern France was called:

a. Tertiary.
b. Oligocene
c. Quaternary.
d. Miocene

12) The stratigraphic relationship where flat-lying strata overlies the eroded edges of inclined older strata is called:

a. unconformity.
b. Non conformity
c. disconformity
d. angular unconformity.

13) A body of rock that can be recognized wherever it occurs by thecharacteristics of composition, texture, or color is a:

a. time rock
b. rock interval
c. formation
d. rock unit.

14) The dating method that places geologic events in a chronological order as determined from their position in the rock record.

a. relative dating
b. absolute dating
c. isotopic dating
d. neutron dating

15) An alpha particle is composed of:a. 2 electrons
b. 2 neutrons
c. 2 neutrons, 2 protons.
d. 2 protons, 2 electrons.

16) The atomic number of an atom is the number of:

a. protons and neutrons in the nucleus
b. neutrons in the nucleus
c. Protons in the nucleus.
d. electrons in the outer shell

17) An element that has the same atomic number, but different atomic weights is an:

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