Cultura Inglesa

Páginas: 4 (901 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2012
Carrera: Profesorado de Inglés

Trabajo práctico Nº 2

1) Describe the origins and way of life of the Germanic invaders of the 5th and 6th century

2) How did a single kingdomachieve paramount power? See the heptarchy and maps if necessary to guide you

3) Discuss the judicial courts and methods of trial in Anglo-Saxon England

4) Describe the administrative units andthe officials of local government.

5) Why did the second Danish invasion subdue England whereas the first fell short of this objective? How does Ethelred the Unready enter into this account?6) Comment on the importance of the Christian faith for the development of the English kingdom and the importance of King Alfred the Great.

1) There were three Nordic tribes called TheAngles, The Saxons and The Jutes. They came from the Jutland peninsula and northern Germany.
The Anglo-Saxons were savages who did not like civilization and took a violent attitude in destroying everyvestige of it. They conserved their Germanic culture with its rugged codes to a military leader. Although they were farmers, they were known as sailors so civilized neighbors were terrified by them.These Germanic invaders were country-dwellers who preferred log houses, such as they had been accustomed to in Germany.

2) There were seven kingdoms in England that form The Heptarchy, Kent wasoccupied by the Jutes, Essex, Succex and Wessex were settled by the Saxons and the Angles claimed East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. They had an overlord to impose a temporary unity over these kingdoms.Kent was the first one in 552-616. In the seventh century Northumbria succeeded Kent. From 757 to 796 Offa II was the last overlord and extended his kingdom north and west. Also, he conquered Wessexand established supremacy over all England, he modified laws too.

3) The Anglo-Saxons in England had three different types of courts,

* The Witan which was the highest court. It was...
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