
Páginas: 2 (261 palabras) Publicado: 22 de abril de 2012
Modal Verbs Can and Could
We can use can (for present) and (could) for past to talk about abilities. The form of the modal verbs are very simple. Allthe verbs go with the same modal verb plus the infinitive without “to”.
Maria can play the piano very well. (Maria has the ability of playingthe piano)
They can play soccer.
I can speak English.
** Can y Could se utiliza para describir acciones referentes a habilidades. La forma es muysimple ya que va con una solaconjugación para todoas las personas. Can es para describir habilidades en el tiempo presente y Could para habilidades en elpasado.
Positive and Negative form (Modal Verb Can/could)
Figura 1
Modal Verb | Subject | Infinitivo without to |
|||CAN / COULD||| |Iyouhesheitweyouthey | ||VERB – Simple form (DANCE)|| |
1) Can you play the guitar?
2) Can your sister speak French?
3) Can they dance salsa?
Enel básico solo quiero que se enfoquen en usar can y could para describir habilidades pero can y could tambien pueden serusados para pedir favores. Eneste caso Can = Could
1) Can / Could you open the door please?
2) Can /Could they bring more beers?


arearmed groups of 5 people went out to the soccer field and the idea is that an actionand read the first one to understand the anger does and so earn pointsTaller
1 make groups of 5 people
2 the first person to know what the word says makes the action
3 at the end of the workshop will make a small quiz
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas