
Páginas: 2 (483 palabras) Publicado: 15 de junio de 2010
Y haz un reporte sobre él que incluya: Datos biográficos importantes, ¿Por qué se considera dictador? y analiza las condiciones sociales que lo llevaron al poder.
Idi Amin was president of Ugandafrom 1971 until 1979. A former boxer, Amin rose through the ranks of the Army in the 1960's, and seized power in a military coup against Uganda's first president, Milton Obote. His reign was marked bybrutal repression, torture and other violence. 'Bodies were found with genitals, noses, livers, and eyes missing. Prison camps began filling up with common citizens, where prisoners forced to bludgeoneach other to death with sledgehammers'. Most sources suggest that around 300,000 people were killed by Amin's forces. Another 60,000 Kenyans of Asian descent were expelled from the country. In 1976,Amin declared himself president for life. Amin's Uganda was highly militarized, with 'Military tribunals placed above the system of civil law, soldiers appointed to top government posts, and civiliancabinet ministers informed that they will be subject to military discipline'. Citing 'ancient tribal ownership, Amin invaded Tanzania in 1978, in an apparent attempt to deflect world attention awayfrom Uganda's impending economic collapse. This move failed, since Amins troops were routed by the Tanzanians, who forced him to flee to Saudi Arabia, where he still lives today, reportedly with the aidof a monthly payment of US $1,400 per month from Saudi officials. Amin left Uganda with an estimated debt of US $250 Million. Amin has been proclaimed as 'Africa's Adolph Hitler'.

Idi Amin nacióen Koboko en 1925, fue un política y militar en Uganda entre los años 1971 y 1979. El era de religin musulmana y pertenecía a una familia de agricultores, después de una educación rudimentaria, entróen la guardia del van bujan cuando el país todavía era una colonia británica, e inició una carrera militar. Fue considerado un dictador porque a comienzos de su gobierno ya se veían como eran...
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