
Páginas: 3 (655 palabras) Publicado: 7 de diciembre de 2012
good morning:

Welcome to the news NN
Today with the owners of INJUV:
- New professor of economics and politics
-Two thousand and eleven new elections for personalityStaff-student presentation
-Require tenth grade English book with which students disagree

Cheers for high school-now
- Olympics next month
Show business:
-Page on facebook called the jetset news Injuv
-Election this year, apparently are the same as previous years as the campus leaders and students expect to have improved a hundred percent, because students stated that in previousyears was a little bad and representatives are:

-Personal presentation of the students: teachers complain as much, since most students do not know wear the uniform both within and outside the school... then the teachers also talk about students who use piercing ... but have tried to talk with estudiantespues not do much if the matter

-The book of English for tenth grade. Students will notagree to buy it since this year there have been many expenses and as most parents do not have enough money for all expenses ... SPORTS:
"This year they decided the clubs to high school with ProfessorRonald on Tuesday afternoons and Friday, many students are happy, because this is
what they do in their spare time
"The Olympics next month organized by physical education teachers, and areorganizing everything for the big day and one of the most important things is the shirt he was assigned to each room ...
Show business:
- The Facebook page where they appear many of our partners .. .inwhich they are treated badly and so far failed to discover who is responsible ... because apparently it
is from another school, and teachers have complained a lot about this situation because it isgetting worse ...

buenos días:
Bienvenidos al noticiero NN
Hoy con los titulares del injuv:
- nueva profesora de economía y política
-nuevas elecciones dos mil once para...
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