Differences Between Men And Women
“Why can’t women and men be equal?” It’s a question that many people do to themselves as they grow up that can’t answer. There have always been differencesbetween men and women that everybody knows they exist, even if they don’t like them. These two genders don’t behave equally. There are way too much aspects in life in which they have differences. Bothsexes imbalances are significant and consistent over time, but people still do not fully understand why they exist. Like a humorist once expressed "Men and women, same planet, different worlds." Sincethis is true, people have to learn the ways the opposite sex acts different from their sex, because if someone expects a person of the other gender to respond the way they do in something, it will notwork.
First of all, we have to know that men and women have different interests; this is the base for all the differences. Talking in general, men tend to go for specific achievements and recordsand women are more interested in the process and the people they know in the way to that achievement. For example, in a relationship, a man has certain interests and looks for specific goals thatmotivate him to look forward in the relationship; a woman is more interested in the process even though she also looks for specific things to work out. The way a girl communicates since she is little is waydifferent than a boy’s. She plays with dolls and he plays soccer, because girls like to have conversation and interact with others, it doesn’t matter if are other girls or dolls, and boys tend tohave a specific goal, without the need to talk. Not all the characteristics are perceived since the infancy, others do not emerge until childhood or adolescence. For men “communication” means statethings clearly, without saying a lot of words, and for women, having the right to express how they feel about a situation and all the possible things involucrate. Different experiences and socializing...
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