Diseño Curricular

Páginas: 5 (1141 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2012
* Curiculum and Syllabus: Candlin y Nunan y Kemmis
* Task based teaching learning
* Process oriented syllabus: task based syllabus
Teaching should be concerned with creating conditions for coping with meaning in the classroom, to the exclusion of any deliberate regulation of the development of grammatical competence or a mere simulation of lang. behaviour. Prabhuhttp://www.shareeducation.com.ar/didacticsii/12.htm
The task-based syllabus is known based on work by Krahnke (1981,1982), Candlin and Murphy (1986), and Johnson (1982). The defining characteristic of task-based content is that it uses activities that the learners have to do for noninstructional purposes outside of the classroom as opportunities for language learning. Tasks are distinct from other activities to thedegree that they have a noninstructional purpose and measurable outcome. Tasks are way of bringing the real world into the classroom (Krahnke,1987).
* Teoria: constructivismo (ROL DE MAESTRO Y DEL ALUMNO)
* Need analysis : John Munby1978
* Educational model: competences

For what purpose is the learner learning the language?
The students from the primary: EmperadorCuauhtémoc would be learning English not for specific purposes but for educational ones. They need to have a higher level of education because they are on the verge of entering junior high school, where according to SEP in 1993, students most have some knowledge of English, they most be competent.
In the same year SEP tried to change the foreign language curriculum, but it was until 2001-2002 when SEPimplemented the curriculum with new teaching methods such as: The audio-lingual, etc…
2006 program is not intended to ignore the progress of the already constructed but to renew parts of the curriculum that require it. Thus, it was considered necessary to refine and clarify the purposes, with reference to what is feasible in the Mexican context, but considering for the first time, internationalstandards achievement.
So, after 2001-2002 research, SEP concluded that students in junior high school need some basics of English Language to give a higher yield to 2006 syllabus. In other words, students in primary school most be learning English.

Information collected through needs analysis.
1. Participants: 26 Mexicans students: 10 male and 16 female. Studying sixth grade. Eleven-twelveyears old. Spanish-speaking. No previous knowledge in English language. According to the principal and the interviews students have: Low economical status (they can’t afford extra school supplies such as dictionaries, CDs, books, etc.) and family problems (divorce, single mothers).
2. Purposive domain: Educational: Be prepared to move to Junior High School Level. (According to someresearches that SEP made in 2001-2002, students in Junior High School need some basics of English Language to give a higher yield to SEP Foreign Language Reform 2006).
3. Setting: Physical setting: Primary School: “Emperador Cuauhtémoc”. Inside sixth grade classroom (There is just one group). Medium size classrooms. No more than 35 students per group. Regularly teacher uses Traditional method.There is bullying inside classes. Some children don’t have breakfast until lunch. There are no English classes despite SEP's institutional program dictates that there should be 2 ½ hours per week of English class. Morning shift.
4. Interaction: Other students and English teacher. (Non-native speakers).
5. Instrumentality: Spoken and written, receptive and productive, face-to-face.
6.Communicative event: Understand and produce basics of Standard English dialect.

Info de curriculum.
Tipos de syllabus
Leer objetivos y sacar
Y comparar cn Zarzar
Need analysis
Constructivist Theory (Jerome Bruner)
A major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that learning is an active process in...
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