
Páginas: 2 (289 palabras) Publicado: 6 de mayo de 2012

M- Hello Sir, I have two problems in the changing room.

J-Tell me. You have the whole of my attention.

M-First of all, my trousers with my keys, mobile phone and wallet have been stolen!

J- Oh, what a pity! I’m sorry Sir; the sports centre is notresponsible for the thefts.

M- But you are here to pay attention to the people who are going into this public space.

J- I’m sorry, but I’ve beenpainting all the walls and I couldn’t help leaving the way in with no personnel at all.

M- So I think I’ll have to report you to the police.J- But you can’t do that Sir; I’ve got a wife and three kids to feed

M- But it’s your duty to look after the way in

J-I promise it’s notgoing to happen again

M- My lawyer will notify you soon for a trial

J-Ok if you want war you’ll have it

M- We’ll talk about it later, nowlet’s discuss about the other problem, shall we?

J- Ok what the hell is the other problem?

M- Chill out sir, this is not a big problem at allJ- Really?

M- No it was a joke. I’d like to have a shower but water is freezing

J- I’ll have a look at it later, but considering the fact thatyou think you’re in a
Resort, you’d better get out and go to a private sports centre

M- How you dare? You should be fired immediately

J-Really? I’m sorry if I don’t fulfil your expectations

M- I’m off now. Don’t expect me to come back

J- Have a good day sir

M- You too
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