
Páginas: 3 (717 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2012
Soft Drugs, such as Marijuana, Should not be Legalized in Ecuador
Introductory Paragraph: Background Information.
Through time, consumption of soft drugs has become very popular, which has causednegative results in societies. Drugs have been present in humanity since its beginning and they continue to exist in the future. However, countries are experiencing an important social and scientificdevelopment around the world, which has a direct impact over the drugs. In the past, there were a few types of natural drugs, but today there are many types of drugs in the market and the majority ofthem are chemically processed. One of these types is the soft drugs, some of them are legal in many countries including Ecuador, but it does not necessary mean that they do not cause any harm. In fact,Ecuadorian society is different from others; therefore, soft drugs should not be legalized in Ecuador because they carry social and health problems that affect people´s lifestyle and development ofthe country.
The soft drugs are popular products scientifically developed that cause diverse effects on humans. Soft drugs have chemical and natural substances and they can influence over the centralnervous system of people. For this reason, they can change the people’s mood who consumes them to be happy. Also, the creation of addiction is one of their most important characteristics. In fact,people become addictive because they really enjoy the sensations caused by them, in the end their bodies need these drugs to feel comfortable. Nevertheless, the abuse of soft drugs, as any other drug,will produce health problems on people. For example, learning problems and memory loss can be generated by the abuse of marijuana.1These effects change the lifestyle of people, consequently they are aserious aspect to be considered.
There are many causes why people use soft drugs. Ecuador is a country where many social issues are caused by unemployment. The lack of money to support basic needs,...
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