
Páginas: 5 (1078 palabras) Publicado: 11 de septiembre de 2014
The biggest mega diversity of the planet has its home in Ecuador, the middle of the world. With a privileged climate and the most amazing landscapes, the essence of Latin America fuses itself to create an unforgettable and unique destination. Islands, jungles, mountains and seas.

• Pacific Coast

It is characterized by numerous beaches, coves,cliffs, savannahs, historic cities and industrial centers. The Ecuadorian Coast allows travelers to have exciting adventures in a region bathed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. With a hot and humid climate throughout the year covering this region, which has a very diverse landscape ranging from green mangroves and tropical dry forests.
Pacific Coast Highlights

Guayaquil, Guayas
It is themain port of Ecuador and the most populous city in the country. It also has a variety of features that have become iconic and representative of the Ecuadorian city's culture.

• Andes
Most of its territory includes elevations ranging from 1500 meters above sea level to about 6310 meters from the Chimborazo.
The Ecuadorian Andes carry some of the most emblematic icons of Ecuador, like the vastmosaic of fields of corn, potatoes and beans of Tungurahua, the pure waters of Imbabura’s lagoons and the sandy valleys of longevity and life of the province of Loja.

Andes Highlights

Quito, Pichincha
Quito is just the beginning of a magical adventure. From the capital you can travel and see the 4 worlds that Ecuador offers for you. The beaches on the coast, the mountains in the Sierra,the biodiversity of the Amazon and the enchanted Galapagos Islands await you with open arms. Here you'll learn to love life.

• Amazon
This region, located to the East, is one of the most beautiful reservoirs of biodiversity on the planet.
The Amazon has a tropical forest, crystal clear rivers, waterfalls descending into the deep forest, where inhabits unique species of fauna and flora.There are a lot of places that allows community tourism, where you can experience everyday life and culture of indigenous communities.
Amazon Highlight

Podocarpus Park, Loja and Zamora Chinchipe
Podocarpus has a large area of moorland, cloud forests and scrublands. Is considered a site of global importance for biodiversity conservation. Podocarpus is considered one of the areas where thecountry's biodiversity is because presents extreme cold, moisture microclimates and geographical barriers.

• Galápagos
Imagine walk among giant tortoises, sea lions and exotic birds. This will make it in this natural paradise located at 972 kilometers from the Ecuadorian mainland coast. The UNESCO in 1979 named this group of Islands and islets Natural Heritage. In addition, this year became thefirst target to see before you die by the readers of the magazine USA Today. Hotels five stars and comfortable hostels are ready to welcome you and give you the unique opportunity to experience a natural and exciting in this natural paradise.
Activities such as diving, snorkeling and surfing will complement this experience. Not to mention the countless restaurants offering a choice of dishes of thewonder of Galapagos, in them you can taste dishes prepared with wahoo, Canchalagua, or lobsters from the catch of the day.

Galápagos Highlight

El mayor megadiversidad del planeta tiene su casa en Ecuador, la mitad del mundo. Con un clima privilegiado y los paisajes más increíbles, la esencia de América Latina se fusiona para crear un destinoinolvidable y único. Islas, selvas, montañas y mares.
• Costa del Pacífico
Se caracteriza por numerosas playas, calas, acantilados, las sabanas, las ciudades históricas y centros industriales. La costa ecuatoriana permite a los viajeros a tener aventuras emocionantes en una región bañada por las aguas del Océano Pacífico. Con un clima cálido y húmedo durante todo el año que cubre esta...
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