El Angicismo

Páginas: 2 (280 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2013

The anglicisms are linguistic loans from English into another language. They are often a product of poor translations of material printed or spoken in Englishand sometimes the opposite is true: are created by the absence of a proper word that translated a term or word in specific.They are very common in the language used by teenagers,due to the influence of regional and foreign media on his way to speak and express themselves; and also in the technical language of science and engineering, by the largecontributions that the English-speaking countries make to the research and development of new technologies.

he great influence of English in different cultures and regions isknown. The Spanish has not remained outside of this global process.Currently, there is a lot of anglicisms used daily by Spanish speakers, who often do not realize that certainanglicisms have their equivalents in Spanish.Words such as chat, smartphone, whisky, logo and other similar ones are used today as if were terms of the Spanish when in fact you arenot.This process occurs in various fields and disciplines of human knowledge. Words like baseball, flash, hot dog, mall, monitor, comfort, belong to different areas such ascomputer science or the sports.

Other examples of anglicisms are:

Hobby: Pasatiempo.
Parking: Aparcamiento.
Show: Espectáculo.
Bar: Local en que se despachan bebidas.Chat: Charla.
Clóset: armario.
Disquete: unidad de almacenamiento de archivos informáticos.
Cell Phone: Teléfono móvil
Cool: expresión usada para denotar algo entretenidoCorner: expresión utilizada en el soccer para demarcar una esquina o la salida del balón por una de las líneas de fondo.
Comfort: comodidad, bienestar.
Copy: Copia
Crazy: Loco
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