El Niño

Páginas: 2 (325 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2012

The Effects of El Niño

In South America

The consequences of this climatic phenomenon leads to random regions of SouthAmerica to:
▪ Reduction in the intensityof the Humboldt Current.
▪ Fishing losses in certain species and increased in others.
▪ Intense formation of clouds generated in the intertropical convergence zone.
▪ Very wet periods.
▪Low atmospheric pressure.
▪ Generation of Huaico (Alluvium)
▪ Agricultural losses.

In Central America


One of the highest impact weather events inGuatemala is the phenomenon of El Niño, with important implications for the climate, which is reflected in the variation in rainfall patterns. Under severe events has been a significant decreasein rainfall accumulations at the start of the rainy season, with implications for reduced availability of water, fire, etc..

The phenomenon has been associated with increased incidence of cold fronts,increased number of hurricanes in the Pacific while decreasing in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, as has been observed in the last years.

These atmospheric conditions cause importantsfloods in the basins of the rivers,mainly for the Pacific slope which are aggravated by the high vulnerability of manypopulated areas established in high risk areas such as riverbanks and hillsidesprone tolandslides.

In the southeast of Asia
In certain regions, this phenomenon causes in Southeast Asia:
▪ Low rainfall
▪ Cooling of the ocean
▪ Low cloud formation
▪Very Dry Periods
▪ High atmospheric pressure
▪ Lack of seafood
▪ Ruined crops
▪ Lack of water in rivers

In the world

Global Consecuences:

▪ Change of atmosphericcirculation.
▪ Change of ocean temperatures.
▪ Economic loss in primary activities.
▪ Losses of homes.

Influence in Peru and Chile

During 1997-98 El Niño affect much...
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