Elena y dios

Páginas: 4 (904 palabras) Publicado: 26 de mayo de 2011
(profesional quemado) y Mobbing (acoso moral en trabajo). El objetivo general es determinar el nivel
del constructo Estrés Laboral, a través del estudio de estos síndromes,detectándose una alta incidencia
del Síndrome de Burnout entre los docentes de secundaria. El instrumento utilizado, para realizar
esta investigación, ha consistido en un protocolo de recogida deinformación autoadministrado que
consta de: Registro de variables personales y de condiciones de trabajo; Inventario de Burnout de
Maslach (MBI) e Inventario de terror psicológico de Leymann (LIPT). Finalmentese obtiene una alta
incidencia de burnout, no se detecta un alto porcentaje de mobbing, no podemos descartar una posible
relación entre burnout y mobbing y se establece el perfil de profesoradoburnout.
Palabras claves: Estrés laboral, síndrome del profesor quemado, acoso moral, profesorado de secundaria.
We present here a research on work stress within the context of the so called“well-fare careers”. The
general aim is to determine the level of work stress in a sample made up of secondary school teachers
through the study of the incidence of specific indicating variables (orindicators) such as those of burnout
and mobbing. The methodology is descriptive and our sample is formed by all the secondary school
teachers of the nine public schools located in the city of Cádiz.The instrument used to perform the
study consists of a self-given information protocol recording the following: Personal indicators and
working conditions register, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)and Leymann’s Inventory of Psychological
Terror. We finally present the discussion on the following achieved conclusions: High incidence
of burnout (48,93%), there is not a high level of mobbingcases (20% of the sample confirms some
LIPT), a possible relationship between burnout and mobbing is not laid aside, establishment of the
Teacher’s Burnout Profile.
Key words: Work Stress,...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas