“English Culture”

Páginas: 2 (429 palabras) Publicado: 17 de abril de 2011

1) Main information………………………….3
 Music
 Language
 Religion
 Literature
2) Historical monuments……………………4
 The Big Ben
 The Tower Bridge
 Tower of London
3) Personalopinion………………………….6

Main information

English music has been the basis of many genres. In the field of popular music artists and many British bands have been mentioned as the most influential of all time.Groups like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Elton John, Queen, Rod Stewart and The Rolling Stones are among the best-selling artists in the world.
The most prominent opera house in England is theRoyal Opera House in Covent Gardens. An important cultural event is held once a year The Proms season concerts of classical music for orchestra held at the Royal Albert Hall.
His language is English,one of the most spoken languages in the world and with a great influence on it.
There is no specific religion, but most of the people of England are Christian
Much of writers whose works we readtoday are British, who scored a genre in literature, such as William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Thomas Hardy.

Historical Monuments
The monuments tell the story of the country throughdifferent styles (Baroque, Gothic, classical and other). The most impressive and most reputable monuments are in the city of London and Tamise Valley.
The Big Ben is, probably, the best known in all thecountry. It’s at one end of the Westminster palace; it works for 150 years ringing every hour.

Other important monument is The Tower Bridge, completed in 1894 during the reign of Queen Victoria. Ithas twin Gothic towers that are linked by a footbridge; from here the tourists get incredible views of the Thames.

Tower of London built in the eleventh century, by order of Guillermo theConqueror, looking to defend the entry of London across the Thames. Now it's a museum, where they keep the crown jewels.

Personal opinion

I think that England have a very interesting...
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