English Essay

Páginas: 3 (552 palabras) Publicado: 16 de octubre de 2012
By: Luis Raúl Lopez Orejel
The reading not only provides information, also it forms creating habits of reflection, analysis, concentration, and it recreates, makes have a good time,entertains and is relaxing. Let´s see later, some of the reasons for which we must choose for a reading serious and creative project:

* The reading helps to the development of the language. It improvesthe oral and written expression and does the most fluid language. It increases the vocabulary and improves the draft and spelling.

* The reading extends the horizons of the individual allowinghim to put in touch whit places, peoples, on experiences and distant customs in the time or in the space.

* The reading stimulates and satisfies the intellectual and scientific curiosity.

*Is an extraordinary tool of intellectual work since he promotes the development of the cognitive fundamental skills: to compare, to define, to argue, to observe, to characterize.

* The readingdevelops the creativity so on having extended our lexical and cultural horizon offers to us the development of the principal indicators of creativity since they are: the fluency, the flexibility, theoriginality and the sensibility.

* The reading improves the human relations enriching the personal contacts since it facilitates the development of the socials skills on having improved thecommunication and the comprehension of other mentalities on having explored the universe presented by the different authors.

In conclusion, the reading turns us more tolerant, whit fewer prejudices,free, more resistance to the change, more universals and prouder for us. The reading is an interest that lasts the whole life that can be practiced in any time, place, circumstance. It frees us of thediseases of our time: the loneliness, the depression and the compulsive consumerism.

La lectura no solo proporciona información (instrucción) sino que forma (educa) creando hábitos de reflexión,...
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