English Syllabus For 3Rd Cycle

Páginas: 85 (21190 palabras) Publicado: 14 de marzo de 2013
Third Cycle of
Basic Education

Ingles Tercer Ciclo.indd 1

7/17/08 9:26:32 PM

Elías Antonio Saca

Presidente de la República

Ana Vilma de Escobar

Vicepresidenta de la República

Darlyn Xiomara Meza

Ministra de Educación

Carlos Benjamín Orozco

José Luis Guzmán

Viceministro de Tecnología

Viceministro de Educación

Norma Carolina RamírezDirectora General de Educación

Ana Lorena Guevara de Varela

Directora Nacional de Educación

Manuel Antonio Menjívar

Gerente de Gestión Pedagógica

Rosa Margarita Montalvo

Jefe de la Unidad Académica

Wendy Cristela Menéndez Cruz

Jefa de Programa Compite
Equipo técnico

Augusto Antonio Cornejo Huezo
Herbert Ovidio Aparicio Castellanos
José Isaías Parada DíazJosé Trinidad Galdámez Sáenz
Apoyo técnico externo

• Ana María Mendoza
• Carmen Castillo
• Edgar Nicolás Ayala

ISBN 978-99923-58-62-7
© Copyright Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador 2008
Derechos Reservados. Prohibida su venta. Esta publicación puede ser reproducida en todo o en parte,
reconociendo los derechos del Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador.

Ingles Tercer Ciclo.indd 27/17/08 9:26:32 PM

Dear Teachers:
Within the framework of the 2021 National Education Plan, The Ministry of Education is pleased to
make this updated version of the English Syllabus for the Third Cycle of Basic Education available
to you . Its content is coherent with our constructivist, humanist and socially committed curricular
orientation. At the same time, it incorporates thevision of developing competencies, making the
principles of the policy “Currículo al Servicio del Aprendizaje” be put into practice.
As part of this policy The Ministry of Education has renewed the guidelines for the evaluation of
learning to match the competencies proposal and the needed type of evaluation for our educational
system: an evaluation in the service of learning. This is possible ifhigh expectations are placed on
our students and if they are told that with effort and steadiness they eventually can achieve their
The Ministry of Education takes advantage of this opportunity to manifest our trust in you. We know
you will read and analyze this Syllabus with an attitude geared towards learning and improving,
taking into account your experience and studies in education.The Ministry of Education believes in your commitment to the mission which has been entrusted to
us - that the children, young men and women of El Salvador obtain better learning achievements
and develop integrally.

Darlyn Xiomara Meza
Minister of Education

Ingles Tercer Ciclo.indd 3

José Luis Guzmán
Vice - Minister of Education

7/17/08 9:26:32 PM

English syllabus for thethird cycle

Ingles Tercer Ciclo.indd 4

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I. Introduction to The English Curriculum for The Third Cycle of Basic Education
The English Curriculum for the Third Cycle of Basic Education
features a curricular proposal in order to address the need to respond the
questions teachers should have as they plan their classes. These questions
are properly answered through thefollowing curricular components:


What do teachers teach for?


What must students learn?


How to teach?

Methodological guidelines

How, when and what to evaluate?

Evaluation guidelines
Achievement indicators

The English curriculum is based on these curricular components which
are developed as follows:Description of competencies, proficiency levels and approach that
orients the English subject development.
Presentation of contents aligned with the subject objectives and
allow the structuring of units of study.
The methodological guidelines provide specific recommendations
for the sequencing of units. They describe, in logical order, the
stages to develop language competencies through the...
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