
Páginas: 6 (1412 palabras) Publicado: 10 de febrero de 2013
Mahatma Gandhi (Porbandar, India británica, 2 de octubre de 1869 – Nueva Delhi, Unión de la India, 30 de enero de 1948) fue un abogado, pensador y político indio.
Su padre fue Karamchand Gandhi, gobernador de Porbandar y su madre Putilabai, la cuarta esposa de Karamchand. Fue el menor de tres hermanos, Laksmidas y Karsandas (hombres) y una hermana de nombre Raliatbehn.[1]
Recibió de RabindranatTagore el nombre honorífico de Mahatma (comp. en sánscrito e hindi de majā: ‘grande’ y ātmā: ‘alma’).[2]
En la India también se le llamaba Bāpu (બાપુ), ‘padre’ en idioma guyaratí.
Desde 1918 figuró abiertamente al frente del movimiento nacionalista indio. Instauró métodos de lucha social novedosos como la huelga de hambre, y en sus programas rechazaba la lucha armada y predicaba la ajimsa (noviolencia) como medio para resistir al dominio británico. Pregonaba la total fidelidad a los dictados de la conciencia, llegando incluso a la desobediencia civil si fuese necesario; además, bregó por el retorno a las viejas tradiciones indias. Mantuvo correspondencia con León Tolstói, quien influyó en su concepto de resistencia no violenta. Se destacó la Marcha de la sal, una manifestación a travésdel país contra los impuestos a los que estaba sujeto este producto.

A throwback to the methods and assumptions of Robert Flaherty, 'Bread Day' is a documentary recording a day in the life of an isolated snow-crowned former Soviet settlement, now sparsely populated by testy old people and some mangy animals. The title refers to the day when a supply of bread is sent to the settlement - the oldfolk must push the carriage themselves for the final miles of the journey. There are very few scenes in the film, the rigid camera focusing relentlessly on the tableau in hand, be it a vicious row in the bakery, or the methodical munching of a goat.

National Fire Prevention Week is observed in the United States and Canada, during the week (from Sunday to Saturday) in which October 9 falls. Inthe United States, the first Presidential proclamation of Fire Prevention Week was made in 1925 by President Calvin Coolidge. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) continues to be the international sponsor of the week.
In Canada, Fire Prevention Week is proclaimed annually by the Governor General. The Saturday ending the week is also proclaimed as Fire Service Recognition Day to expressappreciation for the many public services rendered by members of the Canadian fire service.
The Fire Prevention Week commemorates the Great Chicago Fire. On the 40th anniversary (1911) of the Great Chicago Fire, the Fire Marshals Association of North America (FMANA); the oldest membership section of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), sponsored the first National FirePrevention Day, deciding to observe the anniversary as a way to keep the public informed about the importance of fire prevention. In May 1919, when the NFPA held its 23rd annual meeting in Ottawa at the invitation of the Dominion Fire Prevention Association (DFPA), the NFPA and DFPA both passed resolutions urging governments in the United States and Canada to support the campaign for a common FirePrevention Day. This was expanded to Fire Prevention Week in 1922. The non-profit NFPA, which has officially sponsored Fire Prevention Week since its inception, selects the annual theme for Fire Prevention Week.

Many countries in the New World and elsewhere celebrate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas, which occurred on October 12, 1492, as an official holiday. Theevent is celebrated as Columbus Day in the United States, as Día de la Raza in many countries in Latin America, as Discovery Day in the Bahamas, as Día de la Hispanidad and Fiesta Nacional in Spain, as Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) in Argentina and as Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in Uruguay. These holidays have been celebrated...
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