
Páginas: 5 (1091 palabras) Publicado: 28 de noviembre de 2012

Curso: Español Nivel I I

Profesor: Lic. Franklin García

Guía Nº01

Alfabeto Español

Consulado de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Curazao A.N.
Scharlooweg # 9 – Tlfs: (00 59 99) 4614140 – 4613100 – e-mail:

El AlfabetoEspañol – The Spanish Alphabet – 29 Letras (letters)
|Letra |Nombre |Comentarios |
|A a |a |  |
|B b |be, be de burro, be grande |Beand ve are pronounced exactly the same, so identifiers such as de burro/de vaca are often added to |
| | |distinguish between them.  |
|C c |ce | |
|* ch |che |Ch is no longer considered a separate letter of the Spanish alphabet. |
|D d |de |  |
| | ||
| | | |
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| | |H is always silent.|
|E e |e | |
|F f |efe | |
|G g |ge ||
|H h |hache | |
|I i |i, i latina |I and y are pronounced the same, so the tag griega is almost always used with y; latina is sometimes |
| ||used with i for purposes of clarification. |
|J j |jota |   |
|K k |ka |K is only used in words borrowed from other languages, such askilo. |
|L l |ele |  |
|* ll |elle |Ll is no longer considered a separate letter in the Spanish alphabet. |
|M m |eme | ...
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