
Páginas: 2 (395 palabras) Publicado: 26 de octubre de 2012
What causes a friendship to break apart?

What is friendship?
Friendship is a relationship between two people who hold mutual affection for each other; it has been discovered that human beingshave always been in constant interaction with each other; it’s part of our nature, someone just can’t be alone.
A friend is someone that has things in common with you, usually have the same ideas andpersonalities are quite similar. Friendship is known to be a very strong bond between the people, a bond that isn’t easily broken. According to surveys realized, friendship is the most important andlast longer than any other kind of relationship like marriage or ties with familiars. Having a real friend is something really special that not many people may have; a real friend is someone thatshares joys, problems, changes of moods and stuff, someone that is always there no matters what; but What causes a friend to break apart?.
To know what causes a friend to break apart, first we need toknow the basis of what a friend is. Friendship is based on trust and loyalty, this must be reciprocal, this means helping a friend and being helped by a friend when needed, as a result you will neverfeel alone when you have any kind of problems, because you know that there is someone that supports you. Also mutual understanding is really important, a friend will never criticize you unless issomething that isn’t good for you; a friend will accept you just how you are.
Therefore, people who have busy lives are not too good in finding friends. Friendship often ends because you discover thatthe other person was expecting something in return. Also a friendship can end because of the lack of communication, for example when we move to another city, or just when we change of school; we startmeeting other people and stop talking to ones that we already know; that’s an example that l had when l started college, some of the people form high school are different than back then. Also...
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