Excel 2010 Temas Por Aprender Y Hoja De Atajos

Páginas: 8 (1963 palabras) Publicado: 6 de diciembre de 2012
2. Identificar Menús
3. Navegar Celdas
4. Personalizar Excel
5. Diferencia entre Libro u hoja de trabajo
6. Cálculos y formulas en Excel
7. Funciones en Excel
8. Encontrar/remplazar
9. Modificar apariencia de la hoja de trabajo
10. Propiedades
11. Bordes y colores
12. Formatos y estilos
13. Base de Datos Básicos
15. Imprimir/Seleccionar
16. Definir la Pagina
17. Crear Tablas
18. Modificar Tablas
19. Aplicar Rangos
20. Crear Gráficos
21. Modificar Gráficos
22. Formas
23. Textos
24. Artes Objeto Formas
25. Crear o usar las tablas pivote.
26. Como aplicar formatos condicionales
27. Validar Criterios.
28. Proteger archivos
29. Esconderarchivos
30. Poner claves de seguridad a los archivos (abrir y modificar).
31. Compartir archivos
32. Enviar archivos.
33. Propiedades del libro de trabajo.
34. Comprimir
35. Seguimiento
36. Como crear y usar temas.
37. Firmas Digitales
38. Crear/Ver Tendencias
39. Escenarios
40. Usar Plantillas
41. Crear Bosquejos/Puntos principales
42. Consolidarlibros de trabajo
43. División de Ventanas

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File Menu Commands: Common Excel 2010 Hot Keys
To activate the Excel 2010 hot keys, you press the Alt key before typing the mnemonic letters for a particular task. The mnemonic letter is F (for File) forthe commands on the File menu in the new Backstage View. All you have to remember, then, is the second letter in the sequence; unfortunately, not all of the second letters are intuitive, as you can see in the following table.
Hot Key | Excel Ribbon Command | Function |
Alt+FS | File Menu→Save | Saves changes to a workbook. When you first select this command for a new workbook, Excel displaysthe Save As dialog box |
Alt+FA | File Menu→Save As | Display the Save As dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can modify the filename, location where the file is saved, and format that the file is saved in |
Alt+FO | File Menu→Open | Displays the Open dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can select a new Excel workbook to open for editing or printing |
Alt+FC |File Menu→Close | Closes the current workbook without exiting Excel |
Alt+FI | File Menu→Info | Displays the Information panel in the Backstage View where you can see a preview of the current worksheet along with statistics about the workbook as well as protect the workbook, check the file for compatibility issues, and manage different versions created by the AutoRecover feature |
Alt+FR | FileMenu→Recent | Displays a list of the last 20 workbook files most recently opened for editing in Excel |
Alt+FN | File Menu→New | Displays the Available Templates panel in the Backstage View box where you can open a blank workbook or one from a template |
Alt+FP | File Menu→Print | Displays the Print panel in the Backstage View where you can change the print settings before sending the currentworksheet, workbook, or cell selection to the printer |
Alt+FD | File Menu→Save & Send | Displays the Save & Send panel in the Backstage View where you can send the current workbook as an e-mail attachment, save it in a new file format, or save it online to your company’s SharePoint site or your own Windows Live SkyDrive |
Alt+FH | File Menu→Help | Displays the Support panel in theBackstage View where you get help using Excel, check for updates to the program, and get statistics about the version of Excel 2010 you’re running |
Alt+FT | File Menu→Options | Displays the Excel Options dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can change default program settings, modify the buttons on the Quick Access toolbar, and customize the Excel Ribbon |
Alt+FX | File Menu→Exit...
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