Exporting Uk’s Creative Concept To Latin American Cultural Policies

Páginas: 15 (3725 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2012

Coursework Coversheet

Student registration number: 110052327

Course/Year: MA Culture, Policy and Management / 1st year.

Module title: UK Cultural Policy.

Assignment brief: 3. Critically examine the links between cultural policy and the development of the idea of creative industries in the last decade.

Date of submission: 27/04/12Word Count: 2,958

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Students should be aware that, where plagiarism is suspected, a formal investigation will be carried out, and action may be taken under the University’s rules on Academic Misconduct. This might result in penalties ranging from mark deduction to withdrawal from the University.

Please note that any marks received during theyear are provisional subject to the approval of the assessment board.

Student’s signature: 110052327

Date: 27/04/2012

Exporting UK’s creative concept to Latin American cultural policies
The idea of cultural and creative industries has been used by governments in recent years to offer an approach for economic growth and regional development. Even though there are differences in the wayevery academic, government, politician or institution has defined and classify them, it seems that there are similarities in the way of using the concept in the process of policy-making. The analysis of the these ideas is even more interesting when considering that public policies for the creative economy have not been developed only in the United Kingdom or even in those very close members of thecommonwealth like Australia or Canada but also in so different countries in Latin-American. This region of developing countries and so many necessities, has also adopted the discourse and methodology of UK government for creative industries as a promising strategy to fight poverty, create employment and even design sustainable cities. As this tendency is increasingly difficult to be ignored, itis also important to understand how the concept was exported and which tensions and successes of UK experience have been replicated.

Concepts: cultural and creative industries
In order to comprehend what are these creativity policies about, some definitions will be explained, trying to offer a wide range that embraces all the different governments’ perspectives that will be discussed on thispaper. To start with the debate, it is important to consider that culture and creative industries are ideas often used as synonyms, possibly because creative products have been most commonly produced in arts, making them appear as the core creative activities. (Howkins, 2002) However, Howkins’ definition of creative industries includes a lot more, classifying them in four groups in accordance tointellectual property. The first group is composed of those protected by copyright like advertising, computer software, design, photography, film, video, performing arts, music, publishing, radio, tv and video games. The second one is related to patent industries including mainly scientific fields like electronics, pharmaceuticals, information technology, industrial design, materials, chemicals,engineering, space and vehicles. The third one comprises trademarks and the forth group the design industries. (2002).
On the other side, Hesmondhalgh defines cultural industries as institutions involved in the production of social meaning, making and circulating texts or artefacts intended to communicate or entertain (2007). He separates them in groups by their production method in core and...
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