
Páginas: 11 (2590 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012
El REY DE PATAGONIA part one (The faraway king of Patagonia which lies
in southern far south Argentina?)

When I was a very small child in Kindergarten just learning my
letters ABC my teacher read aloud to my entire class, all of us
patiently listening and yawning
"Once upon a time there was a boy who dreamed that one day he would
become the king of a very faraway kingdom in a distantland!"
The idea must have remained there latent in the back of my mind, for
one reason or another possibly because I lived in a very small house
with very small parents and yet I was growing very quickly with large
feet and hands and big ears, it was very obvious one day I would become
a very tall when grown up; and of course I had very large buckteeth. My
parents were of the upper lowerclass and my father a clerk in a
grocery store while my mother worked in the Empanadas de Mamy, los
Mejores del Mundo. It was hoped someday I would be a clerk too but I
had other dreams.
I wanted to be a king. I dreamed of riding a large white horse and
carrying a shield and a sword. I dreamed of living in a castle. I would
go forth conquering and to conquer!
My parents finallyexplained to me that they had adopted me from an
orphanage. I had been found as an infant abandoned on the steps of a
church. No one knew exactly where I had come from but a large American
car had been seen speeding away.
My mother spoke quietly to calm my fear of the unknowable and unobtainable,
"My son you came directly from God "El Dios" she said for she was
Spanish from some island in theCaribbean. She came to Colombia to
Cartagena to marry my father but then they had returned to south
Bogota where his parents lived near Portal del Sur of the Transmilenio
nowadays but in those days there was no Transmilenio. There are
nowadays many shops there and everyone still rides bicycles. But
nowadays there are a lot more cars especially from the northern suburbs
where live the veryrich, a lot of Europeans and Gringos
Norte Americanos also.
My mother said to me,
"Maybe you are one of those gringos because your hair is blond and
your eyes are blue! "We both laughed.
So I continued to dream that I was destined to be like a king or
one of those rich Gringos and live in a big mansion with a large
garden ,many fine trees and servants that I would treat very wellbecause I could identify with them so well because of my humble
origins. My father though continued to beat me up when my grades in
school were less than good and my teacher wrote,
"Perhaps your child suffers from schizophrenia because always he is
daydreaming as though in some faraway land."
Because I failed in school I was sent to work for a man who owned
the fleet of bicycle taxis ,and Iwas by then just fourteen years old
in what was to become known now as Porto del Sur........
And my father kicked me out of the house because of the quarrelling
with my mother and his drinking of Chi Cha, smoking cigars and gambling
away his money on lost causes and the like. He was fighting with my
mother and beating her so attempted to intervene and was shown out
the door.
My paywas not very good barely enough to eat and very little left
for rent so I thought I will be able to save some money by sleeping
under a bridge or in an arroyo tunnel. I had to build some equity to
buy a bus ticket to some better faraway place!
Perhaps I would be a bicycle taxi-man there and make better wages in
Madrid or San Francisco or Tokyo or China or London or Rome, or well
somewhere Iwould be discovered by an Angel whom I might betroth.
"I finally settled on the idea of moving to the USA (Estados Unidos)
because I was promised a job with smugglers of the cocaine plant: that I
might work on a boat destined for the Yucatan Peninsula from
Barranquilla. So I took the bus there to arrive at the appropriate
time, but when they the bosses saw me the whole game plan changed....
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